Nobelist To Speak
Nobelist Carlo Rubbia will deliver his second 1994 Charles M. and Martha Hitchcock Lecture Nov. 8 at 4:10 pm in the International House Auditorium. His topic is "Beyond the Standard Model." Rubbia, a physicist with the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, shared a 1984 Nobel Prize for discovery of three subatomic particles that moved physics closer to a single theory for all natural forces.
Environmental History
A workshop on environmental history will be held Nov. 12 from 9 am to 5 pm in 223 Moses Hall. Regional surveys of Germany, France, Russia, India, China, and Central Asia will be presented in the morning, followed by theme discussions in the afternoon. For information, call 642-9767. Sponsors of the workshop are the Department of Geography, the Institute of International Studies, and the Office for the History of Science and Technology.