Gazette 1/25/95


Daniel Arnon, one of this century's leaders in the field of photosynthesis and professor emeritus of plant biology, died Dec. 20 at the age of 84. He was in his office and lab daily until he died, doing research and writing. He was the first person to obtain complete photosynthesis outside the living cell.

Applying from his home in Warsaw, Poland, Arnon was accepted to Berkeley through the mail. He graduated in 1932, joining Berkeley's faculty in 1936. He began in the Department of Plant Nutrition, then founded the Department of Cell Physiology, and finished his career in the Department of Plant Biology.

Arnon was a member of the National Academy of Sciences and academies in Sweden, France, and Germany. Among numerous honors he received the National Medal of Science for breakthroughs in the understanding of plant nutrition.

Memorial donations may be made to the American Red Cross, 2111 E. 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94606.

Wilfred Bentham, staff research associate I in the Electron Microscope Lab, died Jan. 6 at the age of 33.

Sandra Ewing, secretary III in the physics department, died Dec. 8 at the age of 44 after 14 years at Berkeley.

Gerald Rebischke, custodian in Physical Resources, died Jan. 11 at the age of 62.

Awards and Honors

Barry Eichengreen, the John L. Simpson Professor of Economics and professor of political science, has received the German Academic Exchange Service prize for distinguished scholarship in German studies from the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University. Eichen-green has written widely in the fields of international monetary history and policy.

George Leitmann, chair of the engineering faculty, has been elected president of the Alexander von Humboldt Association of the U.S.A. Former von Humboldt scholars established the association in September 1994.

Kirby Moulton, cooperative extension specialist in the College of Natural Resources, has been elected president of the Commission for Economics of the International Office of Vines and Wines at a special assembly of the organization in Paris. He is the first American to be elected to this position, considered second in importance to the president of the organization.

Margaret Race, assistant dean of the College of Natural Resources, and Lee Schipper, senior staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, have been appointed members of the Committee for the Study of Transportation and a Sustainable Environment. This two-year study is sponsored by the National Research Council, Transportation Research Board.

Race has also been appointed by the US Navy as a community member of the Treasure Island Naval Station Restoration Advisory Board. Members review environmental technical reports and provide comment on environmental cleanup issues associated with the closure of the military base.

Nicholas Riasanovsky, professor of history, has received the American Historical Association's award for scholarly distinction, presented each year to "senior historians of the highest distinction in our profession."

Peter Schultz, professor of chemistry and a principal investigator at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, has been chosen to share the 1994-95 Wolf Prize in chemistry with Richard Lerner, president of the Scripps Research Institute of La Jolla. They are honored "for their work in converting antibodies into enzymes, thus permitting the catalysis of chemical reactions considered impossible to achieve by classical chemical procedures." They will share a $100,000 award, to be presented in March by Israeli president Ezer Weizman in a ceremony at the Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem.

Thomas Smith, professor emeritus of history, has been elected to membership in the Japan Academy, an honor rarely granted to foreigners.

David Zusman, professor of molecular and cell biology, has accepted an invitation to serve as a member of the National Institutes of Health Microbial Physiology and Genetics Study Section (1), Division of Research Grants, through 1998.

Staff Enrichment

Employee Development And Training

For more information, for copies of the 1994-95 Employee Development and Training catalog or for information on how to enroll in classes, call 642-8134.

New Horizons For Current Employees

Feb. 1, 8:30 am-noon, Room 24, University Hall

Learn about the internal transfer and recruitment process, promotional opportunities within Berkeley, how to analyze positions in the Job Bulletin, and resources to assist with career mobility on campus.

Career Planning: Self-Assessment

Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 8:30 am- noon, Room 24, University Hall

This workshop will help you inventory your work-related skills, interests, values, environmental preferences and lifestyle issues. Then you will set goals and begin to make decisions regarding your career development. The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator and Strong Interest Inventory are included in this workshop.

Operational Planning: The Basis for Budget Development and Control

Feb. 6, 8:30 am-4:30 pm and Feb. 13, 8:30 am-noon, Room 24, University Hall

Learn how to formulate departmental goals and objectives, relate these to higher levels of strategies and goals, identify means to measure whether or not departmental objectives are met, develop departmental action plans, and monitor/control operational actions and budgets to meet objectives.

Career Panel Of Student Affairs Officers

Feb. 7, 12:15-1:30 pm, Room 24, University Hall

This informal meeting will feature student affairs officers discussing their job responsibilities, professional skills, career paths and educational backgrounds. Career panels are designed for employees interested in moving into the classification under discussion.

Make-up Sessions For Employment Delegations Training

For managers and supervisors unable to attend December training sessions on employment functions being delegated to campus, two make-up sessions have been scheduled Jan. 31,

9 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Room 150, University Hall. (You need attend only one of the sessions.)

The workshops will include an overview of the delegations, casual waivers, salary setting and retention of the Interview Data Form and will provide case studies, examples and checklists.

The employment functions being delegated were described in a memo to Deans, Directors, Department Chairs and Administrative Officers dated Nov. 22, 1994, in an article in the Oct. 5 Berkeleyan, and in the October SuperVision newsletter.

Contact Hortense Swing at 642-9080 to enroll.

Health Beat

Fighting the Cold War

With the holiday season now over, the cold season is in full swing. Colds can blow through the household and work setting like a blizzard. They are caused by one of 200-plus viruses that come in contact with your nose or eyes--both ideal environments for viruses to grow. But you can take steps to prevent getting the next cold from a family member or work colleague. "Prevention begins with common sense infection control," says nurse practitioner Carole Plum of the Occupational Health Clinic at University Health Services. To prevent picking up the viruses, Plum suggests these guidelines:

For the healthy person: Since your ability to avoid shaking hands and sharing objects such as telephones with an infected person may be limited, wash your hands frequently and keep your hands away from your face.

For the cold-sufferer: Cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissue, wash hands frequently, use disposable towels to blow your nose, and avoid rubbing your eyes.

Selfcare: When the Bug

Bites You Anyway

A perceptive physician once said, "If you treat cold symptoms vigorously, they will go away in seven days. If left alone, they will disappear over the course of a week." There is no cure for the common cold. It is a viral illness that just needs to run its course.

You can, however, try to lessen your symptoms with some old-fashioned and modern-day remedies. One of the oldest and most effective treatments is to rest and drink plenty of water. Water helps restore lost fluids and keeps mucus thin and flowing. Hot showers or a cool mist vaporizer can also liquify secretions and unstuff a stuffed-up nose. And mom's chicken soup? "Warm beverages are soothing to the throat and may help thin nasal secretions," says Plum. "But there's no magic to chicken soup."

When a runny nose gets in the way of doing your job, decongestants with phenylpropanolamine or pseudo-ephedrine can provide some relief without drowsiness.

For a cough that is dry, irritates your sore throat and keeps you awake, look for a suppressant cough syrup with dextromethorphan. Cough syrups plus a vaporizer at your bedside can be a soothing combination for getting a good night's sleep. To loosen throat mucus, look for an expectorant syrup with guaifenesin.

Some people try to manage with antihistamines, typically used for allergy relief, but they cause drowsiness and can make cold congestion worse. Use nasal sprays as a last resort, never for more than three days. Combination cold medicines that promote "fast" relief for all your symptoms are basically ineffective, says Plum.

Plum also cautions to be sure and read the entire label on over-the-counter medications. Some have precautions if you have a chronic health problem or are taking other prescription medications. Call your doctor if you're not sure what you can take to provide symptom relief.

To the Doctor?

Cold and flu viruses probably account for more unnecessary trips to the doctor than any other causes. Using the self-care measures outlined above can help save you money, time and frustration. However, understanding when you need your doctor's help is also part of wise medical self-care. After eight to 10 days, if your symptoms seem to be getting worse, call your doctor.

For More Help . . .

Books on alternative therapies for cold prevention and treatment, including the highly touted herb Echinacea, can be explored at the Self-Care Resource Center in the Tang Center. Hours are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily during the academic year.

"Colds and Self-Care," a University Health Services pamphlet that provides more education about prevention and treatment of colds, is available by looking at the Health Service's online menu in Infocal or by calling Health*Matters at 643-4646.

Talk with your pharmacist for help with over-the-counter medications for symptom relief.

This column is produced by University Health Services. It appears the fourth Wednesday of each month.


Copyright 1995, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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