Chancellor Tien Seeks Suggestions To Simplify or Cut Administrative Work

To Members Of the Campus Community:

As we start this new year and new semester, I would like to put forward a goal for all of us to share--the simplification of the administrative work we do. With the reduced level of state support we must accommodate, we all feel the pressure to do more with less. It is therefore imperative for us to figure out what, in the way we have come to do things, we can eliminate and what we can simplify.

I am writing to every member of the campus community because I know that it is the people who do the work, at the most basic organizational level, who have the best sense of how to improve things. I am therefore asking you to send suggestions about any element in our business practices or administrative procedures that you think could be eliminated or simplified. I am establishing an electronic suggestion box for this purpose: SIMPLIFY_CAL@MAILLINK. BERKELEY.EDU.

(You can also write, if you prefer, to SIMPLIFY CAL, 200 California Hall, Campus.)

The Vice Chancellor Christ has established a team to consider your ideas; each suggestion will get a response.

SIMPLIFY_CAL@MAILLINK is open for business.

I look forward to hearing your ideas, and I thank you for helping us increase the efficiency of the way in which we run the university.


Copyright 1995, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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