News Briefs

The Lost Japan

Modern nostalgia for Japan's cultural past will be discussed in a Feb. 19 lecture, "Rural Festivals and Rice Farmers: The Heritage of Noh Drama in Contemporary Japan."

Sponsored by the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology and the UC Center for Japanese Studies, this illustrated lecture by anthropologist William Kelly of Yale University will be held at 2 p.m. in the Robert E. Lowie Exhibition Hall of the Hearst Museum.

Admission is $3. For information, call 643-7648.

This Is for You, Chocoholics

A chocolate tasting will be sponsored by the Botanical Garden in its Garden Meeting Room Feb. 11 at 1 p.m.

It will feature many varieties of chocolate and talks by Russ Bianchi, a "chocolate industry authority," and Professor Rudolf Schmid of integrative biology.

While consuming your treats, you'll learn a little about the botany of cacao, how chocolate is prepared and the history of cocoa plantations.

For ticket information and reservations, call 642-3343.

Learning to Age

The School of Social Welfare has recently published five new curriculum modules on aging that provide basic instruction on a variety of topics as well as information summaries for instructors, a source of lecture or training material and reading assignments for students.

The titles of the modules are "Ageism," "Women and Aging," "The Aging Process," "Aging and Ethnicity" and "The Demography of Aging."

Copies are available from the authors--Andrew Scharlach and Barrie Robinson--at the School of Social Welfare.

The format of each module has been designed to be easily integrated into existing graduate and undergraduate level courses. They are also designed for staff training and other types of educational offerings.

In addition, each module contains an annotated bibliography and listing of related audio-visual resources.

Development of the materials was made possible by grants from the Academic Geriatric Resource Program, the Office of Educational Development, the Media Resource Center, the American Cultures Program, and the Eugene and Rose Kleiner Chair for the Study of Aging Processes, Practices and Policies.

Free Speech Revisited

Law Professor Robert Post will deliver his inaugural lecture as the Alexander F. and May T. Morrison Professor of Municipal Law Feb. 2 at 4 p.m. in Booth Auditorium.

He will lecture on "Paradigms of Free Speech: First Amendment Doctrine and Social Structure."

The chair was established in 1940 by May Morrison, one of the first women graduates of the university, to honor her husband, San Francisco attorney and Boalt graduate Alexander Morrison.

Post, who joined the Boalt faculty in 1983, teaches constitutional law and specializes in the First Amendment.

Berkeley Wins Two NEA Grants

Cal Performances and the Pacific Film Archive have received funding grants from the National Endowment for the Arts.

The $105,000 grant to Cal Performances will assist with its major productions. The grant represents an increase of $13,000 over last year's award.

Among the major productions planned by Cal Performances this year will be the world premiere in May of an opera composed by John Adams with a libretto by June Jordan, professor of African American Studies.

University Art Museum's Pacific Film Archive received a $56,000 grant from NEA.

Other Bay Area NEA grants went to the Oakland Museum, La Pena Cultural Center, the San Francisco Ballet and San Francisco Opera.

Calling All Teachers

The Hearst Museum has free teaching kits available for check-out by K-12 teachers interested in bringing replicas from museum collections into the classroom.

Kits include lesson plans designed to complement the California state curriculum.

Also, the museum offers ongoing docent tours of the Ishi collection to elementary schools for $20 per tour.

For information on the teaching kits, call 642-3681, ext. 25. To be put on the museum's mailing list to schools or to find out about tours, call 642-3681, ext. 43.


Copyright 1995, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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