News Briefs
Dine With Strangers
The Prytanean Women's Honor Society is inviting faculty, staff and alumni to join its "Dinner for Twelve Strangers" on Sunday, March 19.
The dinners, now in their seventh year, bring faculty, staff, students and alumni together in an informal, social atmosphere for dinner and conversation.
Most dinners are hosted by alumni or faculty in their homes beginning about 5 p.m. and concluding between 8:30 and 10 p.m.
If you would like to attend a dinner in your area, please RSVP by Feb. 21 to Judy Kuo at 649-0613 or Gennie Yee at 849-9804.
Drug Abuse Addressed
Berkeley has received a $180,000 grant to address problems of student drug and alcohol abuse on campus.
University Health Services, the UC Police Department, Housing and Dining Services, and Student Activities and Services will coordinate the program to assure a common policy when it comes to how drugs problems are handled.
Vietnam War Memorial Designer To Speak
Maya Lin, sculptor and architect perhaps best known as the designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., will speak on campus Feb. 23 at 8 p.m. in Wheeler Auditorium.
Lin will discuss the physical and aesthetic setting of a structure or piece of sculpture in its environment.
She is visiting campus as the Avenali Chair in Humanities, a visiting professorship endowed by the Avenali family and attached to the Doreen B. Townsend Center for Humanities.
Campanile Tall Tales
Lilyanne Clark of the Visitors Information Center wants to know about your memories of the campanile for a historical display she is compiling.
According to campus lore, the campanile has been the site of everything from marriage proposals to family reunions.
Send postcards of your experiences to Clark at 101 University Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.