In keeping with the goal of streamlining administration, the campuses, with the Office of the President, are proposing to consolidate 45 clerical, clerical-supervisor, and administrative titles.
Under the proposal, eight titles would remain while seven titles would be "frozen" temporarily and later eliminated.
The proposed effective date for these changes is May 1.
As several systemwide and campus studies have concluded, the large number of job titles (more than 1,100 individual titles in the current system) has become an administrative burden. Reducing the number of titles would significantly simplify the classification system. The concept of reducing the number of titles is consistent with the Human Resource Initiatives and was presented last fall in written materials and campus forums about the initiatives.
A list of the 45 titles affected by the proposal appears on page 8. The eight titles to be retained are shown in bold type, while the seven titles to be frozen are shown with asterisks. The frozen status means that no one would be hired, transferred or promoted into those seven titles.
Under the proposal, employees currently in titles to be abolished would be moved laterally into the eight remaining titles.
All employees would maintain their current levels of salary, benefits, appointment percentages and service credit.
The vast majority of non- supervisory employees affected by this proposal are in the Clerical Unit, which is exclusively represented by AFSCME. For these employees, the changes described in this proposal are subject to bargaining.
Non- supervisory employees coded as "confidential" or "casual restricted" are excluded from the Clerical Unit. Terms and conditions of employment for these employees, as well as for employees in the titles coded as "supervisor" and employees in the supervisor titles shown in the list shown on page 8, are governed by Staff Personnel Policies (SPP).
The proposed consolidation of titles would require minor modifications to the class specifications for the retained titles.
In addition, UC proposes to delete from the University Title Code System the on- call rates for some titles on some campuses. (None of the rates to be deleted are currently in use at Berkeley.)
Although currently "in the system" at some locations, these on- call rates have never been used for the titles in question.
Copies of the full proposal from the Office of the President, including attachments that describe the proposed revisions to class specifications and a list of the on- call rates to be deleted, are available for review at the Reference Desks of Doe and Moffitt libraries and at the Berkeley Campus Personnel Office, 207 University Hall. Hours are 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Also available at the library reference desks are two of the studies that serve as a foundation for the Human Resources Initiatives: "Developing the UC Workforce for the 21st Century" and "Sustaining Excellence in the 21st Century."
Non- represented employees may send comments to Alice Gregory, director of Human Resources, 207 University Hall #3540, by April 5. For more information about the proposed revisions, contact your department's Compensation Analyst or Employee Relations Specialist in the Berkeley Campus Personnel Office.
Clerk (4673)
Messenger (4874)
Senior Clerk (4672)/Secretary
Cashier (4613)
Communications Attendant (4513)
Secretary I (5008)
Secretary I (Shorthand)(5009)
Senior Typist Clerk "A" (4682)
Senior Typist Clerk "B" (4683)*
Word Processing Specialist (4953)**
___Assistant I (4724)
Administrative Assistant I (4714)
Sr Cashier (4612)
Principal Clerk (4671)
Principal Typist Clerk (4681)
Senior Word Processing Specialist (4952)**
Secretary II (5007)
Program Assistant I (6457)
___Assistant I-Supervisor (4728)
Program Assistant I-Supervisor (6460)
Sr Cashier-Supv (4615)
Administrative Assistant I-Supervisor (4703)
Principal Clerk-Supervisor (4667)
Principal Typist Clerk-Supervisor (4684)
Secretary II-Supervisor (5012)
___Assistant II (4723)
Administrative Assistant II (4713)
Supervising Cashier (4611)
Prin Word Processing Specialist (4951)**
Secretary III (5006)
Program Assistant II (6456)
___Assistant II-Supervisor (4727)
Program Assistant II-Supervisor (6459)
Communications Attendant Sup (4512)
Administrative Assistant II-Supervi- sor (4702)
Office Supervisor I (4707)
Secretary III-Supervisor (5011)
Prin Word Processing Specialist-Sup (4949)**
___Assistant III (4722)
Administrative Assistant III (4712)
___Assistant III-Supervisor (4726)
Administrative Assistant III-Supervi- sor (4701)
Office Supervisor II (4706)
Word Processing Supervisor (4950)**
Administrative Assistant IV (4711)***
Clerical Series Titles
Title at Top of Each Group Replaces Categories Below It