Reading With Pleasure
I just have to say I think the Berkeleyan has turned into a terrific paper. (I don't even read the Daily Cal anymore, or much.) I've noticed the articles are more interesting and useful than a few years ago.
Now I read the whole thing immediately.
I especially appreciate the job listings and calendar of events--it's stuff we around the campus can use. The reports on donors are really good, too.
I want to add that the benefits box in the upper right hand of page 7 is especially useful.
It's much easier to get a grip on our complex benefits packages by reading that than slogging through all the materials the benefits office sends us. Your box is always up-to-date and I feel I can make informed decisions after reading it.
Keep up the good work.
Kim Darwin Manning
Fine Arts Editorial Assistant
UC Press
Do Drop Us A Line
To further a commitment to on-going open communication, Berkeleyan will begin publishing letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas of general interest to the campus and must avoid personal criticism. Letters are limited to 250 words and will be subject to editing.
Faculty and staff are also encouraged to write in-depth guest opinion columns not to exceed 700 words on issues of broad interest. Columns may be edited.
Because of limited space, Berkeleyan may not be able to print all letters or opinion columns submitted and may have to limit the number of letters on one subject or from one contributor.
Letters and guest opinion columns are open to current or retired Berkeley faculty and staff, with the opportunity for students to participate from time to time. Submissions must be signed; the author's name will be published.
Send submissions to "Letters," Berkeleyan, 101 Sproul Hall. Preference will be given to contributions sent in a text-only format to
Faculty and staff interested in writing guest opinion columns should contact Executive Editor Marie Felde, 643-8012, or via e-mail at