Earth Day No. 25
To mark the 25th anniversary of Earth Day, Berkeley is hosting a conference April 13 to 15 on the future of environmentalism.
Entitled "The Environmental Spirit: Past, Present and Prospects," the conference is designed to bring together diverse elements of the environmental movement. Cost is $25 or $10 for students.
A free session featuring former California Gov. Jerry Brown and others will open the event April 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Zellerbach Hall.
For information, call 643-5298.
Get Student Help
April 10 is the deadline for Letters and Sciences faculty to request an undergraduate research assistant for next year through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program.
Small grants are given to faculty who select undergraduates from program applicants. For details, contact Terry Strathman, 642-3795.
Submit Grants by Web
The National Science Foundation will unveil its new system for submitting grants electronically--called FastLane--April 7 in sessions at 1 and 2:15 p.m. in 145 Dwinelle Hall.
Project leader William Kirby will discuss how to submit proposals, check on pending proposals and retrieve award information.
Berkeley is one of 16 initial participants in the FastLane project. For more information, call Neil Maxwell at 642-0123.
Tom Lantos To Speak
Congressman Tom Lantos will deliver the Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Lectureship April 12 at 6:30 p.m. in Sibley Auditorium of the Bechtel Engineering Center. His topic is "The Next Balkan War: The First Crisis of the Post-Cold War Era."
Nominate Top Staff
Nominations are open through April 21 for Outstanding Staff Awards to be presented by the chancellor at a May 19 ceremony. Winners will be selected by the Chan-cellor's Staff Advisory Committee. All Berkeley staff are eligible except executive tier administrators and those with academic titles.
For information, call Renato Almanzor, 643-5452, or Kevin Argys, 642-9895.
Scuba Dive for Science
Berkeley is offering a $300 diving class to train faculty and graduate students in the sciences who do underwater research. The 15-week course, Introduction to Scientific Diving, will be held on campus with ocean dives in Carmel and Monterey.
Applications are due April 20. For information, contact Lloyd Austin at 642-1298.
Ethnic Donor Drive
An Asian Berkeley employee suffering from leukemia needs a bone marrow tissue match. Since donor lists for minority marrow donors are critically short, an ethnic donor drive is being held April 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Tilden Room of King Student Union. A five-minute blood test is all it takes to get your name on donor lists. Minorities of all ethnicities are invited.