Around Cal
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
The women's varsity crew team brought their training "ergos" (ergometers) to Dwinelle Plaza March 14 to give the frosh team a feel for what it's like to race under real-life conditions--surrounded by noise, confusion and onlookers. Pumping the foreground ergo is varsity captain Candace Carpenter, followed by frosh Heather Lyons and Cicily Vizas. Women's crew practices 6-9 a.m. every day except Sunday in the Oakland estuary, followed by two-hour land workouts in the afternoon. Last year the team placed seventh nationally. Spring racing season started this month; on April 1-2 the team travels to San Diego to compete in the national Crew Classic. Since women's crew started at Cal 20 years ago, nine team members have gone on to become Olympians.
Awards and Honors
Clayton Heathcock, professor of chemistry, has been named recipient of the Royal Society of Chemistry's Centenary Medal. He will give a round of talks, known as the Centenary lectures, at several universities over a two-week period in May 1996, culminating in a one-day symposium in London, at which the medal will be awarded.
Richard Fernau, professor of architecture, has been elected to the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows. Fellowship is the highest honor the institute bestows on its members other than the annual gold medal.
Staff Enrichment
Employee Development and Training
For more information, for copies of the 1994-95 Employee Development and Training catalog or for information on how to enroll in classes, call 642-8134.
Exploring Career Opportunities As an Analyst
April 11, 8:15 am-noon, Room 24, University Hall
Learn about the analyst classification, identify where your skills and interests might fit with the responsibilities of the analyst, analyze analyst positions in the Job Bulletin, plot a career path leading to analyst positions.
Customer Survey Methods
April 13, 10 am-noon, Room 24, University Hall
Examine methods for surveying customers, from informally tallying and analyzing customer requests, to conducting a focus group, to administering a written or phone survey, to establishing an on-going customer advisory board.
Managing and Mediating Conflicts in the Workplace
April 17, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Room 24, University Hall.
For managers and supervisors only, this workshop will look at how to analyze workplace conflict, how to select the appropriate strategy for managing conflict and supervisory mediation through role playing.
For information and to enroll, call 643-4646.
HIV/AIDS Theater Performance
April 5, 12:10-12:55 pm, 106 Moffitt A multicultural group of students will present a theater performance about HIV/AIDS prevention that addresses safer sex, sex negotiation, alcohol/drug use and compassion.
Muscle Conditioning: Part I
April 7, 12:10-12:55 pm, 228 Hearst
Learn the fundamentals of muscle conditioning and the crucial role it plays in fat burning, improved posture and prevention of osteoporosis. This seminar will explain why weight training is so vital to your workout and dispel common myths about weight training for women.
Muscle Conditioning: Part II
April 14, 12:10-12:55 pm, 228 Hearst Gym
Come dressed in loose, comfortable clothing for this hands-on workout that will teach you a basic routine using Dynabands and handweights that is easy and convenient enough to do at home or in the office. Dynabands will be available for $5. It is recommended, but not required, to attend Part I.
HIV/AIDS in the Workplace
April 12, 12:10-1:30 pm, 106 Moffitt
A panel of employees with HIV and supervisors and caregivers of people with HIV/AIDS will share their experiences. Questions and answers follow.
Training Matters
Campus Committed to Training Staff for Change
by Kathleen Phillips Satz
Like the fog in summer, change is an inevitable part of our landscape at Berkeley. Every week we hear about a new program or idea for restructuring our work.
For the past several years the campus has undergone budget and staff cuts, administrative realignments and advances in computer technology.
What do these different kinds of changes have in common? How can we begin to feel that we are managing change, rather than the other way around? How will we get ready to use the systems and programs that are supposed to "streamline processes" and "decentralize authority?"
This is the first in a series of monthly columns from the Berkeley Personnel Office outlining some of the ways its Employee Development and Training unit, together with campus administration, will be responding to these questions.
Among the major programs already planned and approaching implementation are the three Berkeley Administrative Initiatives (Project HIRE, the Berkeley Financial System and the Personnel/Payroll System) and the systemwide Human Resource Initiatives.
Responses to Change
The term "organizational readiness" has been used to talk about the state when "managers and staff in Berkeley departments are prepared to accomplish work in new ways, using technology and streamlined processes."
To reach that state, we need skills such as critical thinking and working in teams, as well as basic skills in computer systems, reading, writing and mathematics.
For example, some hiring, salary setting and reclassification functions are being delegated to campus. For some managers and supervisors, the authority and accountability that goes along with these functions require analysis and decision-making previously done by central administrative offices.
Another example: If compensation systems are more dependent on pay for performance as proposed in the Human Resource Initiatives (see March 22-28 Berkeleyan), managers will need new skills in effective performance management and managing the work of teams as well as individuals.
At the same time, advanced technology and new tools such as the Berkeley Financial System and Applicant Retrieval System call for intensive orientation and training.
A Plan for Training
Employee Development and Training, in consultation with staff organizations and campus management, has prepared a Master Training Plan to describe the components of a successful training program for the changing work environment.
In preparing the plan, Personnel talked to campus units and staff organizations to identify training needs. Employee Development and Training staff then developed possible strategies in seven key program categories: consultation on Berkeley Administrative Initiatives training, computer training, basic skills training, career development, service excellence programs, supervisory and management training, and professional skills training.
In one category, the CALS program has been pairing tutors and staff learners to improve basic skills since 1991.
To address computer training, Employee Development and Training and Information Systems and Technology have formed a partnership and are co-chairing the Basic Computer Skills Training Task Force, composed of members from every control unit. The task force is beginning a needs assessment process to learn more about current skills levels and to set a baseline for the skills that staff members will need.
To Find Out More
The Master Training Plan is available online through the Personnel Office gopher in the Employee Development and Training section. For a copy of the plan, or to provide feedback, please contact Elaine Fukuhara Schilling at 642-3595 or by email at schillin@uclink.
Campus Memos
Memoranda mailed to deans, directors, department chairs and administrative officers issued on the chancellor's mailing lists. For copies, contact originating offices.
March 6: Extension of Deadline for 1994-95 Junior Faculty Mentor Grant Program, from Carol Christ, the vice chancellor and provost.
March 6: Policy on University Membership in Organizations, from Carol Christ, the vice chancellor and provost.
March 6: Proposed Academic Personnel Manual Section 025A, Outside Employment, from Chancellor Tien.
March 7: New Student Employee FICA Withholding Requirements, from Leroy Bean, acting vice chancellor--Business and Administrative Services.
March 13: Human Resource Management Initiatives, from Leroy Bean, acting vice chancellor--Business and Administrative Services.
March 17: Interim Organizational Arrangements for Accounting Services, from Bud Travers, executive director--Financial and Plant Services.
March 23: Intercampus Academic Program Incentive Fund, from Carol Christ, the vice chancellor and provost.
March 24: 1995 Updates on Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Injury and Illness Prevention Program, from Leroy Bean, acting vice chancellor--Business and Administrative Services.