A Joint Statement From President Peltason and UC Chancellors

A diverse student population is an essential component of a quality educational environment. Within the University of California, we have been governed by a 1988 regental policy which mandates that we enroll a student population that encompasses the cultural diversity of the state of California. That policy has served the university and the state well, and we remain firmly committed to the principles it embodies.

The action of the Board of Regents at its July 20, 1995, meeting eliminates the use of race, ethnicity and gender as supplemental criteria in the admissions process. This will unfortunately make it more difficult for our campuses to achieve the diversity that is essential for the future excellence of the University of California and the stability and welfare of our society. However, we pledge to continue our efforts to serve all populations in California, working within the new guidelines of economic and social disadvantage and in conformance with state and federal mandates.

We applaud the proposal to enhance outreach as a means of increasing the number of ethnic minority students eligible to enroll in the university. We pledge to retain those elements of affirmative action that have proven of such great value to our institution, including open employment searches.

We shall use every means available to us to accelerate our pursuit of the twin goals of excellence and diversity.


Copyright 1995, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
Comments? E-mail berkeleyan@pa.urel.berkeley.edu.