Gifts Earmarked For Law School, Evolution Scholar
An endowed chair in law and a distinguished professorship in the life and physical sciences have been approved by the UC Regents. The regents also approved renaming Manville Hall.
Manville Hall, which until recently housed law students and is now undergoing renovation, has been renamed William G. Simon Hall in recognition of a $2.2 million gift to the law school from William and Alice Simon.
William Simon is a former U.S. secretary of the treasury who graduated from Boalt Hall in 1940. He has remained a regular contributor to the school.
Meanwhile, Hiram Edward Manville, the former president of Johns-Manville Corp., will not be forgotten. The Manville name has been transferred to a new law and graduate student housing complex at Channing Way and Shattuck Avenue.
Boalt Hall also will have a new endowed chair, the Yosef Osheawich Chair in Advocacy and Dispute Resolution funded through an anonymous gift.
Osheawich was a rabbi in Oakland from the early 1900s into the 20s. He died 70 years ago after a distinguished life during which he demonstrated tolerance and respect for people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
Another anonymous gift, totaling $1.5 million, is funding a distinguished professorship in the College of Letters and Science in human evolutionary science.