News Briefs

Guendelman and Noguera are 1995 Wellness Lecturers

Pedro Noguera, assistant professor, School of Education, and Sylvia Guendelman, assistant professor, School of Public Health, will present two of six lectures in the 1995 California Wellness Foundation/UC Wellness Lectures series.

Noguera will present his lecture, "Reducing and Preventing Youth Violence: An Analysis of Causes and an Assessment of Successful Programs," on Monday, Oct. 2, at 4 p.m. in the Zellerbach Playhouse.

Guendelman's lecture, "Immigrants May Hold Clues to Protecting Health During Pregnancy: Exploring a Paradox," will be Wednesday, Oct. 11, also at 4 p.m. in the Zellerbach Playhouse.

The lectures are free and open to the public.

Guendelman and Noguera were selected from applicants throughout the UC system. The awardees, each of whom will receive $3,000 plus $1,000 research assistance toward their presentations, were selected by a blind peer review of abstracts. The four other presentations will take place on the campuses of the respective lecturers. For a complete schedule, contact the Office of the President, 987-9320.

The Wellness Lecture Series is funded by the California Wellness Foundation, established in 1992 with an endowment from Health Net.

Field of Dreams

Nearly 1,000 boys and girls from San Pablo to Emeryville celebrated the opening of new soccer and softball fields at University Village on Sept. 17 , thanks to a cooperative agreement with the campus.

The campus provided 4.5 acres at a nominal rent, providing new fields desperately needed by East Bay youth.

"Field space is at such a premium in this area, we were fortunate that we could provide the land," said Jacki Bernier, a senior planner in the campus's Office of Planning, Design and Construction.

The fields are located in the southwest corner of University Village in Albany, which is bordered by San Pablo, Buchanan and Harrison streets and the railroad tracks. The university is leasing the land to the Alameda/Contra Costa Youth Soccer League for $1 a year.

"This will do a lot of good for both the community and the kids," said David Weitzman, president of the Albany/Berkeley Soccer Club, which will share use of the field with the Albany/Berkeley Girls Softball League.

Weitzman said the groups raised more than $150,000 from the cities of Berkeley and Albany and from parents to landscape, erect a fence and build a clubhouse. There are seven soccer practice fields and one softball field. To ensure that girls get a chance to play, the soccer club must allow for 50 percent participation by girls.

Kayakers Clean Up

Cal Adventures, the non-profit outdoor recreational and educational program of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreational Sports, is sponsoring a clean-up at Brooks Island on Saturday, Sept. 23.

"We had such a great turnout for the event last year that the entire staff wanted to continue our involvement again this fall. This particular project fits very well with our mission, which is to provide as many people as possible with opportunities to experience the outdoors," said Tim Bean, the water program coordinator at Cal Adventures and organizer for the clean-up.

Using Cal Adventures' sit-on-top kayaks, volunteers are to leave Marina Bay in Point Richmond at 8:30 a.m., paddle to Brooks Island and spend the morning picking up debris around the island before paddling back to Marina Bay around 1:30 p.m.

A very popular event, openings in this year's clean-up are already filled.

Nobelist Gathering

The public will have the opportunity to hear the personal stories of six Nobel prize winners from Berkeley when they gather Sept. 27 for a panel discussion on "The Road to Achievement." The free program, sponsored by UC Berkeley Extension, will begin at 8 p.m. in 155 Dwinelle.

The panel, which constitutes the largest gathering of Berkeley Nobelists in 35 years, will include Owen Chamberlain, physics prize, 1959; Gerard Debreu, economics, 1983; John Harsanyi, economics, 1994; Czeslaw Milosz, poetry, 1980; Glenn Seaborg, chemistry, 1951; and Charles Townes, physics, 1964.

Seating will be first come, first served. For more information, call 643-8093.

CSAC Reminder

The Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC) is taking applications for new members. CSAC members are appointed by Chancellor Tien to three-year terms to address issues concerning non-academic staff and to advise the chancellor on non-bargainable issues. Release time to attend bi-weekly meetings is provided by permission from the member's supervisor. Additional time is required for studying issues, drafting recommendations and participating in subcommittee activities. Applications are available from Kevin Argys, 642-9895; Gerald Johnson, 643-9446; or Margo Takemiya, 642-1855. Submit applications to Gerald Johnson at 299 LSA no later than Oct. 20. Interviews will be scheduled for mid-November.

Plant Sale

The Fall Plant Sale at the Botanical Garden is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Among the plants to be offered are California natives, perennials, succulents, herbs, palms, vines, orchids, rhododendrons, trees and ferns. UC students are eligible for a 10 percent discount on plants. Books and gifts also will be on sale. The Botanical Garden is located at 200 Centennial Drive.

Interactive Greek

A nifty computer software package written by Classics Chair Don Mastronarde is available this fall to make learning Greek fun and interactive. Users can click on any word and hear the correct pronunciation, get immediate feedback on exercises and even build a personalized vocabulary.

Test versions of the "electronic workbook" have been used for the past two years in introductory Greek classes. "Many of the students have found it very helpful--often the better students," said Professor Leslie Threatte of classics. "It's the first textbook of ancient language that actually has a computer workbook that goes with it."

UC Press inaugurates its electronic division with the software package, which consists of four floppy disks that run on a Macintosh computer. At $29.95, it's priced so anyone can learn to read and pronounce ancient Greek at home or in a dorm room.


Copyright 1995, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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