

Charles J. Hitch, UC president from 1967 to 1975, died Sept. 11 in a San Leandro rest home. He was 85.

A world-renowned economist and Rhodes Scholar, Hitch served as assistant secretary of defense and comptroller of the Pentagon before joining UC in 1965 as vice president of business and finance under president Clark Kerr. Barely three years later, a year after Kerr was fired amid rising student unrest, Hitch became president.

Hitch presided over the university during one if its most tumultuous periods and remained a tireless advocate throughout. He ardently defended academic freedom and sought to safeguard the university against sweeping budget cuts.

Early in his tenure he defended the right of communist Angela Davis to teach philosophy at UCLA, and later defended the right of political philosopher Herbert Marcuse to teach at UC San Diego.

When public backlash against student violence resulted in Gov. Reagan's decision to slash UC's budget by 25 percent, Hitch fought for every dollar UC received from the state.

Under Hitch, ethnic studies became a regular part of the curriculum, the pass-fail system of grading was introduced and students were given a larger voice in policy making, including a voting position on the Board of Regents. He also presided over the creation of UC's first affirmative action special admissions program.

Hitch retired in 1965. In his modest fashion, he said, "I will leave the assessment of my tenure to others. I believe I leave the university in better health than I found it."

He is survived by a daughter and two grandchildren.

A memorial service will be held Sunday, Sept. 24, at 2 p.m. at Alumni House.

Landscape artist Boyd Allen, widely respected for his richly colorful paintings and his deep, practical knowledge of materials and technique, died of cancer on Sept. 2 at his home in Taos, N.M. A professor emeritus of art practice, Allen was 64.

Allen specialized in paintings of vast mountain ranges occasionally punctuated with a hovering architectural image such as a window frame or a door.

"He was a strong colorist and a very good painter of oils on canvas," said Karl Kasten, professor emeritus of art practice. "He communicated something, through his use of color and landscapes, that was relaxed. His paintings conveyed an optimism that life is not grim."

Allen won numerous awards for his work, including the Anne Bremer Award 1955 and the campus's James Phelan Traveling Fellowship in Art the following year.

Born in Muskegon, Mich., Allen received an undergraduate degree from Berkeley in 1954 and masters degree in 1955. He joined the faculty in 1962, reaching the rank of professor in 1986. Allen retired in 1991.

"His dream was to move to Taos after he retired to paint," said another colleague, Katherine Sherwood, assistant professor of art practice. "I am glad that he got there."

He is survived by his wife, Patricia Allen of Taos, and two daughters and three sons.

Herbert Penzl, professor emeritus of Germanic philology, died

Sept. 1 at Kaiser Oakland after a brief illness. He was 84.

Well known for his linguistic work in Afghanistan, Penzl's numerous faculty appointments included a year at the University of Kabul before joining the Berkeley faculty as a professor in 1963.

He was born in Neufelden, Austria. Educated in Europe and the

U. S., Penzl was an honorary fellow at Brown University from 1932-33, then received a PhD from the University of Vienna in 1935.

Penzl was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1967; he received the Berkeley Citation in 1980, and won the Fulbright Award to Germany in 1982-83.

He is the author of 11 texts, from "A Grammar of Pashto" published in 1955, to "Englisch: Eine Sprachgeschicte nach Texten von 350-1992," published last year.

Penzl resided in Berkeley. He is survived by his wife, Vera Penzl.

Staff Enrichment

Employee Development And Training

For more information, for copies of the 1995-96 Employee Development & Training catalog, or to enroll in classes, call 642-8134.

Personal Time Management

Sept. 27, 8:30 am-noon.

Tools and techniques for taking control of available time and determining priorities in the work setting.

New Employee Orientation

Oct. 3, 8:30 am-noon.

An opportunity for new employees to learn about the university and the Berkeley campus, meet new employees from other departments and obtain specific information they need to know within the first month of employment.

Preparing and Using Flip

Charts and Overheads

Oct. 3, 1:30-4 pm.

Criteria for selecting an appropriate instructional aid and medium, guidelines for creating and using overheads and tips for creating and using flip charts effectively.

Management Academy

Information Session

Oct. 4, 12:15-1 pm, Room 24, University Hall.

Informal brown bag with the program director of the1996 Management Academy, scheduled for Jan. 9 to 11 at Clark Kerr Campus. Information also available by calling 642-3595. Application deadline is Nov. 3.

Creating and Using Flow Charts

Oct. 4, 1:30-3:30 pm.

All about flow charts: their most effective uses and how to construct one.

Facilitation Techniques

Oct. 6 and 13, 8:30 am-4:30 pm.

Discussion, lecture, and skills practice focusing on how to increase participant involvement and learning. Participants will have the opportunity to facilitate a group discussion that will be videotaped, and will receive feedback on their strengths and skills.

Workers Compensation

Introductory Class

Sept. 27, 9 am-noon.

For departmental and payroll staff: An introductory or refresher course on processing workers' compensation supplemental benefits.

Workers Comp Advanced Class

Oct. 4, 9 am- noon.

For those who have attended the introductory class (exceptions must be made by instructors). This class will cover calculations and sample cases.

Note: To enroll in workers' compensation classes, call 643-9403.

Campus Memos

The following are recent deans and directors memos available online via Infocal. For information on gaining access from your computer, call 642-8507. Questions about the memos should be directed to Aileen Kim, 642-3100.

Sept. 8. Disclosure of Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Projects, from Joseph Cerny, vice chancellor--research.

Sept. 15. Accommodation of Religious Creed, from Oliver Williamson, chair, Berkeley division of the Academic Senate, and Carol Christ, the vice chancellor and provost.


Personal Benefits Statements 1995

This year UC mailed an annual Personal Benefits Statement to campus employees in late August rather than late October. The Personal Benefits Statement contains June 30, 1995, fiscal year-end balance information for the UCRP, DCP, and 403 (b) plans, as well as information about current health and welfare enrollments.

Employees who have not yet received their Personal Benefits Statement should contact UC Benefits Plan Administration Customer Service at 1-800-888-8267.

In late October, employees enrolled in benefits will receive a personalized worksheet with the 1996 Open Enrollment Announcement. This worksheet will enable you to conduct all of your Open Enrollment business on a touch tone phone by calling bencom,the new interactive voice response system. The toll-free number for bencom is 1-800-823-2818; the local number is 643-1075.

As always, the Open Enrollment Announcements will include information on benefits changes and provide complete instructions on how to make changes for 1996.

Great America:

Just $5 for Kids

With the purchase of an adult corporate discount ticket to Paramount's Great America, you can pick up a coupon entitling you to a child's ticket (age 3 to 10) for just $5. The adult tickets are $18.75 and must be purchased at the University Cashier's Office at 140 University Hall. Children 2 and under are free. Great America is open weekends through Oct. 22.


Copyright 1995, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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