1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
John C. Harsanyi, professor emeritus of business administration and economics
U.S. Poet Laureate
Robert Hass, English
1994 California Scientist of the Year
Robert Tjian, professor of molecular and cell biology
MacArthur Fellowship
Pamela Matson, eco-system ecology
National Academy of Engineering
Andrew Neureuther, electrical engineering and computer sciences
National Academy of Sciences
Bob Buchanan, plant biology
David Chandler, chemistry
Corey Goodman, molecular and cell biology
Clayton Heathcock, chemistry
Carla Shatz, molecular and cell biology
Yuen Ron Shen, physics
Presidential Faculty Fellows
Thomas Anderson, assistant professor of computer science
Astar Winoto, acting associate professor of molecular and cell biology
American Associationfor the Advancement of Science Fellows
Kathryn Anderson,biological sciences
Andrew Jackson, agriculture, food and renewable resources
Marcia Linn, education
Daniel Neumark, chemistry
Arthur Reingold, medical sciences
Martyn Smith, biological sciences
Terence Speed, statistics
Lawrence Talbot, engineering
Paul Witherspoon, engineering
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Michael Bernstein, English and comparative literature
Manuel Blum, electrical engineering and computer sciences
David Chandler, chemistry
Susan Graham, electrical engineering and computer sciences
Barbara Meyer, molecular and cell biology
Katharine Milton, anthropology
Richard Saykally, chemistry
Gerald Westheimer, neurobiology
Fulbright Grants
Donald DePaolo, geology
Robert Lipton, medical sciences
Gary Martin, anthropology and archaeology
Robert Rice, geography
Ruth Schmidt, linguistics
University Professor
Marvin Cohen, physics
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships
Nancy Chodorow, sociology
Susanna Elm, history
James Gordley, law
Timothy Hampton, French
Carolyn Merchant, environmental history, philosophy and ethics
Franklin Zimring, law
Sloan Research Fellowships
Martin Head-Gordon, chemistry
Matthew Rabin, economics
Lars Bildsten, physics
Wolf Prize
(premier award in agriculture)
Carl Huffaker, professor emeritus of entomology
Distinguished Teaching Awards
Gary Firestone, molecular and cell biology
Brian Harvey, computer science
Rachel Moran, law
Andrew Packard, mechanical engineering
Vincent Resh, environmental science, policy and management
Student Awards
University Medalist
Emily Ruth Bender, linguistics
Alumni Awards
Alumnus of the Year
T.Y. Lin, structural engineer and pioneer in use of prestressed concrete