News Briefs

Holiday Party Will Honor Garff Wilson

Garff Wilson again will star at the campus holiday party, scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 12, but this year as the guest of honor.

For more than 30 years, Wilson, professor emeritus and former director of public ceremonies, has entertained the campus with his annual reading of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." This year, instead of reading, Wilson will have the opportunity to bask in the appreciation of the many people who have served as his audience over the years.

The party, which will include live music and refreshments, begins at 3:30 p.m. in the Toll Room of Alumni House. There is no charge.

A Redwood Grove for Chancellor Heyns

In the late '60s, when Roger Heyns was chancellor, he asked to have the plans for Moffitt Library altered in order to save the redwoods to the northwest of the building near Strawberry Creek. In 1969 a ceremony celebrated the preservation of these trees, which became part of the Wickson Natural Area.

On Sunday, Dec. 3, there will be another ceremony, this time to name the grove in honor and memory of Heyns, who died earlier this year.

The campus community is invited to attend the reception in appreciation of Heyns and the dedication of the Roger W. Heyns Grove. The gathering will be in the Morrison Room of the Doe Library from 1 to 3 p.m.

For the 1969 ceremony, Andrew Imbrie, then professor of music and now retired in New York, composed a piece for brass, "Here We Stand." The piece was performed that day, as it will be again on Dec. 3, to commemorate the original celebration.

Those interested in attending the reception should call Public Ceremonies at 642-3687.

Finnish Map Display

"Finland: 500 Years on the Map of Europe," reproductions of 31 maps dating from 1470, is now on display in the Earth Sciences and Map Library at 40 Giannini Hall. The exhibit was mounted in conjunction with a new Finnish Studies Program.

The exhibition shows, through the information provided by the evolution of the maps, how Finland developed from a sparsely inhabited province into a developed European country. The collection, one of the largest of its kind in Finland, was gathered over 60 years.

The exhibit is accompanied by complimentary guidebooks, with illustrations and explanations of the maps.

The Map Library is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 642-4940.

An Afternoon With Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck, Academy Award winner and Berkeley graduate, will return to his alma mater for an afternoon in February to present a retrospective of his career and to chat with the locals.

"A Conversation with Gregory Peck," sponsored by Cal Performances, is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 11, at 3 p.m. in Zellerbach Hall.

While a pre-med student at Berkeley in the 1930s, Peck was recruited to join the drama department because of his impressive 6' 2" height. He continued on to a film career that spanned 50 years, 60 films, and earned for him major film and arts awards.

Ticket information is available by calling 642-9988.


Copyright 1995, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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