Wilson Budget Proposal Gives UC 6 Percent Increase

UC students will avoid another fee hike and university faculty should see some progress toward raising salaries to match those at comparison institutions under Gov. Wilson's proposed 1996-97 state budget.

Under the governor's proposal, UC will receive a $110 million, or 6 percent, increase over last year's $1.92 billion budget.

This will allow UC to go forward with a three-year plan to restore faculty salaries that currently lag about 10 percent behind comparison institutions. It also funds the equivalent of a 2 percent cost-of-living adjustment for all UC employees and an additional 3 percent salary increase for faculty, plus merit raises.

"I applaud the governor's recognition of the important role higher education plays in preparing a skilled work force for competition in the global marketplace and the important role UC plays in a healthy California economy," said UC President Richard C. Atkinson.

The governor's decision to add $27 million to his compact for higher education with UC fulfills a priority set last fall when the Board of Regents stated that if additional funds were available from the state in 1996-97 there should be no student fee increase.

The governor's proposal does not affect a proposed increase in non-resident tuition or proposed fee increases for students entering certain professional graduate school programs.


Copyright 1996, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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