by Kathleen Scalise
The campus contributed to NetDay March 9 by wiring Berkeley High School with a speedy ethernet backbone in two buildings, installing 25 network outlets in 12 classrooms and bringing 42 computers online.
Funded mainly by the Chancellor's Office, the effort "was ambitious, but everyone felt that a lot was accomplished, and many
expressed interest in coming back on another weekend to do more," said David Wasley, who for years directed installation of the campus network and is now working with the Office of the President.
"Within the next few weeks, many of us will return to finish the classroom wiring and to install a fiber optic cable between the two networked buildings," he said.
NetDay96 was a grassroots volunteer effort throughout California to wire schools for access to the Internet.
On Berkeley's project, Wasley worked with more than 20 volunteers who ranged from high school students to retired professors and included Berkeley high teachers, parents and administrators, the city's Internet librarian and staff from campus.
Wasley said special thanks are due to Ricky Fried of Information Systems and Technology on campus, who led planning for the project and directed volunteers, and co-workers Kenneth Lindahl, Christopher Gilmore, Monica Mack and Michael Sawyer.
"Berkeley High is now in a very good position to enter into cooperative projects with the campus that will both enrich the learning experience at the high school and lead toward the goals of the Berkeley Pledge," said Wasley.