Undergrad Research Apprentice Program Expands to Professional Schools and
For the first time this spring, the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program will be open to faculty in the professional schools and colleges.
Since 1991 the program has linked faculty in the College of Letters and Science and undergraduates in research collaboration. Nearly 200 faculty have served as mentors and guides and have instructed some of Berkeley's most highly motivated students in the fine points of academic research.
This year 90 faculty worked with more than 350 students in projects that ranged from lab experiments and field work to archival work and data analysis. In exchange for their time and attention, faculty receive capable assistance on their research projects and a small grant to cover research expenses. Students receive valuable experience, a greater appreciation for the life of research and, in most cases, academic credit. Now this valuable research opportunity is available to faculty and students in the professional schools and colleges.
Faculty have had positive things to say about the program.
Phyllis Dolhinow, professor of anthropology, has called it "...an invaluable asset to our general research program and a fine way to integrate undergrads to hands-on projects."
Stephen Greenblatt, professor of English, has described it as " a wonderful program both for students and faculty."
"It's a great program," offered Deborah Nolan, associate professor of statistics. "The students are enthusiastic and hard-working, and they enjoy the one-on-one contact with the professor. I enjoy it too."
Monday, April 15, is the last day for faculty to submit undergraduate research apprentice proposals for fall 1996. Faculty who submit an application by April 15 will have their projects publicized in the upcoming brochure and web page.
Faculty will select their apprentices from among applications submitted to the program at the start of the second week of classes in the fall term. Apprentices must commit from three to 12 hours per week on a project, and they are encouraged to make a two-semester commitment.
Applications were sent to all active ladder faculty in mid-March. For an application or more information, call Terry Strathman, URAP coordinator, Division of Undergraduate and Interdisciplinary Studies, at 642-3795 or email urap@ LS.berkeley.edu.