April 13 Cal Day: Open House and Charter Day

Visitors to Cal Day, the campuswide open house Saturday, April 13, get an extra bonus this year. Along with hundreds of activities across the campus the day will feature colorful Charter Anniversary Ceremonies as well.

From 11:30 to 1 p.m. in Dwinelle Plaza, the traditional ceremony marking the anniversary of the University of California will feature an address by former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

McNamara is a 1937 Berkeley graduate and native of San Francisco. In 1961, McNamara left Ford Motor Co., where he was president, to join the Kennedy administration.

He served as secretary of defense until March 1968. His most recent book, "In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam," has been the topic of great interest recently. McNamara will be on campus April 11 through April 17 as a Regents' Lecturer with the Graduate School of Public Policy.

In addition, the Charter Day celebration features Governor of Taiwan James C.Y. Soong who will receive the Haas International Award. Professor Marian Diamond, former director of the Lawrence Hall of Science, will be honored as alumna of the year.

Soong, the secretary-general of the ruling Nationalist Part of Taiwan and a leading proponent of democracy in his country, earned his masters in political science at Berkeley in 1967.

As is traditional, the ceremony will include a full academic procession and music from the Cal Band. Chancellor Tien will preside over the ceremony.

The open house will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with nearly everything, including parking and museum admission, free.

"Cal Day has become one of our most successful campuswide celebrations. It gives residents of the Bay Area and all of California a chance to visit the campus and experience first-hand this exceptional place," said Linda Weimer, assistant vice chancellor for public affairs.

The day features programs and activities hosted by more than 70 departments. "I can't think of a field or interest that isn't covered by a Cal Day activity," said Lani Shepp, director of campus's Office of Public Ceremonies and Visitors' Services, which is coordinating the day.

To assist visitors, free shuttles will transport people from parking lots to the main campus. Those who come via BART will be met at the downtown Berkeley station by motorized cable cars with Visitor Center guides providing a running commentary.

Highlights of the programme appear on page 7. The complete schedule is at http://www.urel.berkeley. edu/calday.


Copyright 1996, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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