Berkeleyan Plans a June 5 Special for Awards

Every year at this time, groups and organizations across campus honor faculty and staff co-workers for excellent work, volunteer service and a variety of other notable accomplishments. This year, Berkeleyan will recognize winners in a special section June 5, the last Berkeleyan of the semester.

To make sure your organization's award winners are included, send the following information to Berkeleyan by May 20:

--The name of the award and who sponsors it,

--names of recipients with appropriate department or organization affiliation,

--a one or two sentence summary of why individuals were recognized.

Include a name and phone number or email address to contact to verify information.

Award sponsors are invited to submit photos of winners (group photos are OK), or award ceremonies. Photo submissions should include a clear identification of those in the picture and the name of the award they are receiving.


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