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Personnel Procedures: Comments Requested Members of the campus community are invited to comment on the proposed campus policies and procedures of the new single personnel program for non-represented staff, which goes into effect July 1. The drafts should be read in conjunction with the systemwide personnel policies which they supplement. Hard copies will be mailed to each department and to the reference desks of Doe and Moffitt libraries. Both systemwide policies and campus procedures will be available for review online at the Berkeley Campus Personnel Office gopher site. In addition, modifications have been made to some of the systemwide policies. These were sent to departments with the proposed campus policies. Comments on the campus drafts should be sent to Alice Gregory, director of Human Resources, 207 University Hall, or by email to newhr@violet, by June 17. The draft procedures were developed by committees staffed by control unit appointees and Personnel Office staff, with a charge to simplify, streamline, preserve existing rights and provide flexibility. If this new collaborative process proves successful, it will be used to develop future personnel policies and procedures.
AIDS Walk:Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to help organize the campus team for this year's AIDS Walk San Francisco. The annual fund-raiser will take place Sunday, July 21, in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Last year, 200 campus employees, students and their families and friends walked the 10K route and raised nearly $10,000. AIDS Walk San Francisco is Northern California's largest AIDS fund-raising event and benefits the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and 30 other Bay Area AIDS organizations. To volunteer or register, contact Eric Zarate at 643-6781 or ericz@uclink2.
Berkeley Staff Among UCRS Candidates Two members of the campus staff are among nine candidates systemwide seeking election to one seat on the University of California Retirement System Board, which advises the president on the administration of the retirement system. In June, eligible UC Retirement Plan members can cast votes via an automated telephone system, which will also tabulate the final count. Nine candidates have been nominated, each by petition of at least 50 active non-Academic Senate UCRP members. The candidates from Berkeley are Alice J. Kubler, a budget analyst at the University Health Service, and Mark C. Livingston, a benefits representative with the Library. Others running are: Renee Smith Boone, Office of the President; John R. Bruhl, LLNL; Patricia E. Erickson, LLNL; Carl D. Henning, LLNL; Edna L. Joe, UCLA; James P. Seward, LLNL and Kathleen R. Stanley, UC Irvine. Election materials including candidate statements and instructions for voting by telephone will be mailed at the end of May. Eligible UCRP members who have not received these election materials by June 10 should call Benefits Customer Service at 1-800-888-8267, extension 70651.
Women's Issues in Latin America The Center for Latin American Studies is calling for submissions of papers on women's issues in Latin America for its 1996 Occasional Paper Series. The deadline for the fall series is July 10. A total of four to six papers will be published. For more information, call 642-2088.