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PERSONNEL Chancellor's Message on Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity in Hiring
Berkeley's progress in achieving and assuring diversity in all aspects of campus life is among my major objectives as chancellor of the Berkeley campus. I welcome this opportunity to reaffirm my personal commitment and that of the campus to accomplishing this objective through our individual and collective commitment to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. It is campus policy to maintain a strong affirmative action program to ensure that all recruitment, hiring, training and promotions are conducted in a manner that promotes equal employment opportunity. Although the regent's resolution SP-2 has prohibited the use of race or gender as preferences in employment practices, the campus is maintaining its commitment to affirmative action by actively recruiting qualified women and minorities for employment opportunities, and making every effort to provide a work environment that is free of illegal discrimination and harassment. It is also campus policy to take affirmative action to provide employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities, special disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era. Further, it is our responsibility to ensure that all employment actions are based solely on an individual's qualifications without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, religion, cancer-related medical condition, disability, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, ancestry, citizenship or marital status. Although the programmatic responsibility for meeting equal employment opportunity and affirmative action commitments established by campus policies is delegated in accordance with the line organization of the campus, the ultimate responsibility is mine. I ask that you share in meeting that responsibility by incorporating these policies in day-to-day decisions and activities. Through our mutual efforts and resolve, we can ensure Berkeley's academic leadership and excellence through diversity. Chang-Lin Tien Chancellor
AWARDS Fifteen Receive the Berkeley Citation; Philosophical Society Inducts Bellah, Brentano and Wake Fifteen individuals are the most recent recipients of the Berkeley Citation. Often bestowed at commencement ceremonies or on the occasion of a retirement, the Berkeley Citation is awarded to individuals for distinction in their fields and distinguished service to the campus. It is sometimes awarded to honor someone outside the campus for notable service. The recipients include: Irma Adelman, emeritus professor of agricultural and resource economics Robert H. (Pete) Bragg, emeritus professor of materials science and mineral engineering James E.B. Breslin, the late professor and chair of art practice Jay M. Enoch, professor of optometry Darleane C. Hoffman, professor of chemistry and senior scientist at LBNL Robert S. McNamara, former secretary of defense and Charter Celebration keynote speaker Carl L. Monismith, Robert Horonjeff Professor of Civil Engineering Edward Nathan, emeritus professor of rhetoric Sheldon Rothblatt, professor of history and director of the Center for Studies in Higher Education Jerome L. Sackman, emeritus professor of civil engineering Milton Schroth, professor of plant pathology Ignacio Tinoco Jr., professor of chemistry and an associate with the Melvin Calvin Laboratory at LBNL Jack Washburn, emeritus professor of materials science and mineral engineering Albert R. Weinhold, emeritus professor of environmental science, policy and management William J. Welch, professor of astronomy and director of the radio astronomy laboratory
David Aaker, professor in the Haas School of Business, is the recipient of the American Marketing Association's Paul D. Converse Award for contributions to the science of marketing. Aaker was recognized for an outstanding body of research on the subject of brand names, culminating in the books "Managing Brand Equity" and "Building Strong Brands." Aaker currently holds the E.T. Grether Chair in Marketing Strategy.
The American Philosophical Society, founded by Benjamin Franklin, has elected three Berkeley faculty members among its 31 new U.S. members: * Robert Bellah, Elliot Professor of Sociology, for his books and sociological studies relating religion to the functioning of society, including the pathbreaking book, "Habits of the Heart." * Robert Brentano, Sather Professor of History, for his four major books, "each a self-contained gem, amounting to a coherent and brilliant description of the medieval church at its height." * David Wake, the John and Margaret Gompertz Professor of Integrative Biology and director of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, for being "the world's most distinguished herpetologist, a scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians. The society describes his work on lungless salamanders of the American tropics as being "as fascinating as that of the Galapagos finches or Hawaiian birds."
Steven G. Louie, professor of physics and senior faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is the recipient of the American Physical Society's 1996 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics. Louie was recognized for his "innovative applications of quantum theory and computational physics to predict the properties of condensed matter systems, especially the excitation spectra of semiconductors and insulators."
Jean Molesky-Poz, lecturer in comparative ethnic studies and Native American studies, has been awarded a 1996-97 Fulbright for the U.S. Department of Education's Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program. Her research project is "The Florescence of Maya Spirituality in the Guatemalan Highlands and in Diaspora." A full-time lecturer for 13 years, Molesky-Poz specializes in contemporary immigration.
William Rodarmor, managing editor of Berkeley's alumni magazine "California Monthly," was named a finalist in the translation category of the PEN Center USA West's 1996 Literary Awards competition. Rodarmor was honored for his translation of "Tamata and the Alliance" by the French author Bernard Moitessier, published by Sheridan House.
A Partners in Science Award from Research Corp. will support the summer collaboration of physics researcher George F. Smoot and Clayton Valley High School teacher Kipp Penovich. Their project title is "Research and Education in Cosmology and Astrophysics: The Structure of the Galaxy and Universe and Formation of Elements." The Partners in Science Program provides opportunities for high school science teachers to participate in university level research, thereby expanding the understanding of the relationship between high school and college science education.
David Sunding is the latest Berkeley economist to join the Clinton administration. The associate director of the Center for Sustainable Development and adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Sunding has been named senior economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisors, effective Aug. 1. He will specialize in agricultural, natural resources and environmental policy. Sunding's most recent work has focused on streamlining environmental regulations, particularly the Endangered Species Act, and designing policies to encourage sustainable farming practices. Sunding joins Berkeley economists Carl Shapiro and Joe Farrell in the Clinton administration. Shapiro is deputy assistant attorney general and Farrel is the chief economist for the Federal Communications Commission.
Hal Varian, professor of business and economics and dean of the School of Information Management and Systems, has received the second annual John von Neumann Award from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences. The first award went to 1994 Nobel laureate John Harsanyi, Flood Professor Emeritus at the Haas School of Business. Varian's books, "Microeconomic Analysis" and "Advanced Microeconomics," were cited by the award committee. He delivered the von Neumann lecture in Budapest in May to university faculty and members of the Hungarian Economic Association.
DEATHS Mary Rosamond Haas, a linguist who led the way to the preservation of Native American Languages inside and outside California, died at her home in Berkeley May 17 after a long illness. She was 86. Haas, an emeritus professor of linguistics, was known for her key role in the development and widespread use of the Survey of California Indian Languages, a state-funded program for the study of surviving aboriginal languages. A native of Indiana, Haas was one of a small band of graduate students trained at Yale by the famous linguist and anthropologist Edward Sapir. Her dissertation was a grammar of Tunica, an American Indian language once spoken in the region that became Louisiana. She joined the staff at Berkeley in 1943, teaching Thai in the Army Specialized Training Program. She became an assistant professor in 1947. A memorial service is scheduled for Thursday, June 27, at 2 p.m., location to be announced. Donations in her memory may be made to the Department of Linguistics.
CAMPUS MEMOS The following are titles of memos recently mailed to deans, directors, department chairs and administrative officers on the chancellor's mailing lists. For copies, contact originating offices. Deans and directors memos also are available on Infocal under "campus directives." Connect to Infocal via Gopher, WWW or telnet software at infocal.berkeley.edu. For assistance using Infocal, call 642-8507. Questions about memos should be directed to Aileen Kim, 642-3100, or email to aileen_kim@ maillink.
May 14. 11th Annual Staff Appreciation Day, from Chancellor Tien.
May 15. AIDS WALK San Francisco--Sunday, July 21, from Chancellor Tien.
May 17. Proposed Campus Implementing Policies and Procedures for HRMI Policies, from Horace Mitchell, vice chancellor--business and administrative services.
May 28. Proposed Administrative Vision Statement: "Partnership for Excellence in the 21st Century--Berkeley's Administrative Vision," from Carol T. Christ, the vice chancellor and provost; Horace Mitchell, vice chancellor--business and administrative services; Joseph Cerny, vice chancellor--research; C.D. Mote Jr., vice chancellor--university relations; James A. Hyatt, associate chancellor--budget and planning, and Genaro Padilla, vice chancellor--undergraduate affairs.
Care Services No registration or fee required for the following series. For more information, call 643-7754.
Building Healthy Families Tuesdays, July 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, noon-1 pm, Tang Center Section Club room. This series of five interactive workshops based on United Way's "Healthy Families First" program will focus on stress, parenting skills and styles, conflict resolution and effective communication. Participants also will learn about resources and services and available through local agencies. The series will be repeated in October.