University of California at Berkeley


 President Clinton on Aug. 2 announced his intention to nominate three members to the National Science Board, professor of physics Mary K. Gaillard among them. As the governing body of the National Science Foundation, the NSB recommends broad national policies for promoting basic research and education in the sciences and engineering.

Gaillard, an expert in theoretical particle physics, is a faculty senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. She was awarded the Department of Energy's E.O. Lawrence Memorial Award in 1988 and the J.J. Sakurai Prize of the American Physical Society in 1993, in recognition of her work on elementary particles. Dr. Gaillard earned her doctorate from the University of Paris, Orsay.

The NSB's 24 members from the science and engineering disciplines are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate. They come from industry and academia and are selected for their distinguished contributions in research, education or public service.


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