Managing the WebThe campus World Wide Web steering team met Aug. 23 to discuss web activity on campus.The committee consists of two people from each of the six control units on campus, which are headed by the vice chancellors and Chancellor Tien. The group will meet monthly and deal with content, policy and procedures for the web campuswide. Topics discussed at the first meeting included upgrading the campus home page and developing better guidelines for web policies on campus. Minutes of the meeting are available at http://www.chance.
Clock a Few Hours For ScienceLawrence Hall of Science needs volunteers who want to learn more about science and science education, meet new friends and help children and families enjoy science.Volunteers need not have a science background, but should have a desire to learn and willingness to serve. They select from a variety of possible assignments, including helping biology, chemistry, mathematics and astronomy/physics education departments in hall classrooms and in schools; assisting teachers, parents, children and staff in using books and materials in the resource room; giving tours of exhibits; helping with national conferences, symposia and public programs; assisting curriculum development projects to compile materials; and conducting product research or working in the gift store. An orientation program for potential new docents will take place Oct. 8, 10, 15 and 17. For information and to receive a preliminary application form, contact the docent coordinator at 643-5471.
Get Office Supplies Through Depot DealCampus Supply has entered into a partnership with Office Depot Business Services Division to make the most of the campus's negotiating power, the company's infrastructure and economy of scale.Campus Supply has negotiated and will administer the contract, provide administrative and customer service and assist in problem resolution. Office Depot will handle inventory, warehousing and delivery. The partnership should offer the lowest prices while providing for next-day delivery of approximately 11,000 items from Office Depot's catalog. Departments will continue to order directly through Campus Supply and may order any item found in either Campus Supply's catalog or Office Depot's catalog by phone, FAX, mail or email. To learn more about the partnership, Campus Supply and Office Depot are sponsoring a table top show Sept. 12 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Tan Oak Room of the Student Union featuring office product representatives and free samples and demonstrations. For more information about the show or the partnership, call Joanne Hull at 642-9956.