University of California at Berkeley

October 1 Merit Increase Details Are Announced

 Details of the first merit program under the new Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) were announced in late August.

Increases for employees in merit-based programs will be effective Oct. 1, 1996, with the increase appearing in Nov. 1 paychecks. The salary grade structures will be adjusted by 2 percent, also effective Oct. 1, 1996. Under Berkeley campus procedures, employees in career positions with three months' service in the program by the effective date of the merit program are eligible for merit reviews.

That means that individuals appointed to merit-based positions by July 1, 1996, are eligible for merit increases on Oct. 1, 1996. Merit reviews for this program cover the period since the last merit program (Oct. 1, 1995).

Written performance appraisals are required for all employees. PPSM 30 (Salary) requires that a performance appraisal be completed within the 12 months preceding the department head's approval of any merit increase.

No action will be taken with regard to Professional Research (RX) or Technical Unit (TX) employees formerly covered by the A&PS personnel program. Employees in these title codes (except for supervisory employees) are covered by the provisions of the bargaining units, which are represented by UPTE, and the contract terms for these units are still being negotiated.

Guidelines and detailed instructions for the merit program were sent to Control Units. Information on the merit program for step-based positions covered by PPSM, Staff Personnel Policies and those under collective bargaining agreements will be sent at a later date, in time for the Jan. 1, 1997, merit review date.


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