University of California at Berkeley

Divali Celebrations

International House celebrates Divali, the Indian holiday based on a central episode of the great Sanskrit epic Ramayana, with a gala banquet and an evening of entertainment Saturday, Nov. 9.

The banquet, complete with Indian music and decorations, will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the I-House Dining Commons. A guest chef from a major Bay Area Indian restaurant will supervise the preparation of an array of traditional Indian dishes.

The cost of this "all you can eat" buffet-style banquet is $6 for the public.

"Images of India," celebrating the Divali festival of lights, will begin at 8 p.m. in the I-House auditorium. The program includes performances of music and dance from many regions and cultures of India.

The event is open to all and admission is by sliding scale.

For information call Suzanne Cowan at 642-3386.


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