University of California at Berkeley

Labor in the Americas

What challenges does labor face in a rapidly changing global economy? To address such questions, the Center for Labor Research and Education and the U.S. labor movement will present a two-day conference, "Labor in the Global Economy, Working in the Americas," Thursday, Nov. 21 and Friday, Nov. 22.

Speakers and participants include prominent faculty and labor leaders from the United States, Mexico, Canada and Latin America. The conference will be at Hs. Lordships Restaurant at the Berkeley Marina.

The public is also invited to attend a related afternoon event Wednesday, Nov. 20. "Organizing, Labor, and Immigration in the Americas" will be held at Westminster House, 2700 Bancroft Way (at College Avenue) from 1 to 6 p.m.

For information on either event, call 642-0323 or email


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