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At "Fizz, Foam and Slime," Monday, March 24, participants will make slime, create a lemon battery, work up a lather and meet the creators of fun science kits for kids. The following day, Tuesday, March 25, celebrate Women's History Month with Marijo as she weaves story, music, dance and song to tell tales of the unsung "she-roes." At "The Art of Math," Wednesday, March 26, participants use a variety of building materials and art supplies to explore the connections between art and math and to design mathematical art to take home. Fun films about how animals make their homes in nature are offered Thursday, March 27, 1 to 3:30 p.m. An upbeat mystery musical about a serious topic, "The Case of the Vanishing Species," includes songs about habitat and pollution, along with answers to many questions about animal extinction. That event is Friday, March 28. "Those Sensitive Snakes" are the subject the following Monday, March 31. Secretive and scary? Smart and sensitive? Learn the real facts about snakes from LHS biology educators, then visit the real thing in the biology lab. The remainder of the week features "Native American Expressions," Tuesday, April 1; "Riddles of Rabbits," Wednesday, April 2, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.; "Crime Lab Fun Day," Thursday, April 3; and "Animal Antics Film Festival," Friday, April 4, 1 to 3 p.m. Springtime Family Science is sponsored by Bayer Corporation.
All events in the series start at noon, except as noted otherwise, and all are included with LHS admission.
The morning session, from 9 to 11 a.m., will feature scholar, author and speaker Diana E. H. Russell, giving a keynote address on "Pornography as a Cause of Rape: A Visual Presentation." A participatory workshop on alliance building, with the acclaimed Oakland Men's Project, will be offered from 1 to 3 p.m. Noontime workshops will focus on the relationship between alcohol advertising and violence, male responsibility and prevention, and safety/self-defense. Visual displays and resource information from campus and community organizations will be available for all from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Seating for keynote and workshops is limited. To register, contact Health Promotion at 642-7202.
Adm. Leighton W. Smith Jr. is this year's lecturer. He will speak Thursday, April 3, at 6:30 p.m. in Sibley Auditorium in the Becthel Engineering Center. The lecture is free and open to the public. Since 1985, the lectureship has brought to the campus a distinguished scholar, professional military person or government official for a series of lecture on national security subjects. Previous lecturers have included Adm. Bobby Inman, Adm. Elmo Zumwalt Jr., and Rep. Thomas Lantos. Smith, a retired four-star Navy admiral, was commander of U.S. Naval forces in Europe and commander in chief of allied forces in southern Europe. His most recent assignment was as commander of implementation forces for the multinational forces implementing the military aspects of the peace agreement on Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The lecture series is sponsored by the campus's Department of Naval Science. It is named for Nimitz, who among other assignments, was directed in 1926 to organize the NROTC unit on the Berkeley campus where he said he always felt a fully accepted member of the faculty.
Alternately categorized as an abstract expressionist, a Beat painter, a Funk artist, an eccentric and a romantic, Jay DeFeo (1929-1989) played an active part in the small, avant-garde art and poetry world of San Francisco during the '50s, which included Allen Ginsberg, Bruce Conner, Michael McClure and Wallace Berman. DeFeo remains best known for her monumental, thickly encrusted abstract paintings of the late 1950s, the most legendary being "The Rose," which occupied the artist almost exclusively for eight years beginning in 1958. By the time of its completion, it weighed a full ton. "The Rose" will be shown concurrently with the show, and will remain on view through 1997. In connection with the exhibition, presentations by exhibition curator Constance Lewallen, Michael McClure and Bill Berkson, followed by Bruce Conner's film, "The White Rose" will be offered Sunday, April 13, 3 p.m., in the museum's George Gund Theater.
The Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive is located at 2626 Bancroft Way. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For 24-hour recorded information, call 642-0808.
Conference sessions can be viewed on an M-bone broadcast in 405 Soda Hall or on compressed video in117 Dwinelle Hall. The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, March 25
Wednesday, March 26 For more information see the CyberSemester web site at http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~cybersem/
Campus faculty of every academic rank, from instructor to professor emeritus, are encouraged to apply. Fulbright grantees come from every area of the humanities, social sciences, and the natural and physical sciences, as well as from applied fields such as business, law and teaching English as a foreign language. Three-fourths of each year's Fulbright grants are for lecturing or combined lecturing/research, while one fourth are for research. A Fulbright appointment may also involve collaboration with foreign colleagues, teaching undergraduate or graduate courses, advising on curriculum development or conducting seminars for business and community leaders. Deadline for application is Aug. 1. Grants begin approximately one year (or later) after the application deadline. For information or application materials, contact Sam Castaneda, visiting scholar and postdoctoral appointment coordinator, at 643-9681 or via email at samc@uclink.berkeley.edu. To reach the Fulbright program directly at the Council for International Exchange of Scholars in Washington, D.C., call (202) 686-7877, email cies1@ciesnet. cies.org, or visit the web site at http://www.cies.org.
Alice Park, Residence Hall Assembly community service coordinator, and Robert Ratner, Suitcase Clinic volunteer, organized the drive in the form of a competition between the 21 residence halls. The drive was part of the new Adopt-an-Agency program in the residence halls this year, under which each hall has "adopted" a not-for-profit community organization for the entire academic year. For information contact Park at 643-9741 or 664-1200.
A politically committed director, Rosi often tackles corruption in postwar Italy, attacking abuses of power by the church, the army, the bureaucracy, the Mafia and industrialists. Yet his intelligent, gripping and beautifully-crafted films are seen infrequently in this country. The series is presented by Cinnecitta, Rome, in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute, San Francisco and under the auspices of the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco. For 24-hour recorded information on upcoming PFA programs, call 643-5041