Staff Enrichment

Employee Development And Training


For information on classes or to enroll, call 642-8134. Follow your department training guidelines before signing up for classes.

Facilitation Techniques. June 9 and 16 (two days), 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

This workshop combines group discussion, lecture and skills practice that focus on how to increase participant involvement and learning, how to create an environment that is productive, challenging and supportive and what you can do during the planning stages for a meeting, training, retreat or discussion that will help you facilitate it more effectively.

Each participant will facilitate a group discussion that will be video taped, and will receive feedback on his or her strengths and skills as a facilitator.

Effective Analytical and Staff Work. May 15 and 22, 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m.

This workshop covers the keys to success in performing analytical and staff work: properly defining problems and assignments; consulting and coordinating work with others; collecting information; preparing information for analysis and conclusions; using groups to assist with analysis and other assignments; developing sound recommendations; and writing reports that are acted upon.

Job Mobility at UCB: The Resources You Need. June 11, 1:30 p.m.-5 p.m., and June 12, 8:30 a.m.-noon.

Participants in this workshop will review self-assessment tools and processes, receive information about job trends on campus, analyze positions in the Job Listings Bulletin and review campus training and resources.

Taking Advantage of Change (for employees). May 29, June 6 or June 19, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Free.

Participants in these classes learn about key elements of the change process, coming away with a clear strategy for anticipating future changes, and for preparing to meet and embrace change, instead of resisting or simply reacting to it.

Enroll online for this class only through WWW at or call 642-8134.

Wellness/ Health*Matters

For more information or to enroll, call 643-4646.

The Scoop on Fat. May 7, 12:10 p.m.-1 p.m. Golden Bear Center.

Clear up the confusion about total fat, good fat and bad fat; learn how to translate fat recommendations into day-to-day eating; and develop a plan of action for how fat-free and low-fat foods fit or don't fit into your food plan. Instructor: Tracy Taylor-Baker, nutrition consultant.

Splash Into Shape. May 9, 12:10-1 p.m. Hearst Pool.

Splash into shape while staying cool and relaxed and utilize water as the resistance in exercises designed to work both your muscles and your cardiovascular system. An ideal class for all fitness levels and non-swimmers welcome.



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Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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