Staff Enrichment


For information or to enroll, call 643-4646.

Smoke No More. Sept. 10-Oct. 29, noon-1 p.m.

Understand your smoking habit and its health effects, identify what "triggers" your smoking and learn new, healthy behaviors to live as a non-smoker.

CARE Services

For information or to enroll, call 643-7754.

African-American Support Group. Tuesdays, Sept. 9-Oct. 28, noon-1 p.m.

This support group provides the opportunity for a dialogue with others, sharing feelings, frustrations, concerns and conflicts.

Dementia: Impact on the Family. Sept. 12, noon-1:30 p.m. (including optional 30-minute discussion). Tang Center, Class of '42 Room. No enrollment required.

Dementia causes significant changes in family life, and can result in intense physical and emotional stress for the family caregiver. Physician Elizabeth Edgerly of the Alzheimer's Association will discuss the issues faced by caregivers of dementia patients.

Employee Development And Training

For information, call 642-8134. Follow your department training guidelines before signing up for classes.

New Employee Orientation. Sept. 16 or Oct. 7, 8:30 a.m.-noon.

This orientation, offered twice monthly, covers campus structure, campus culture, benefits, computer competency and safety-related issues. Presentations addressing these issues are given by staff from the campus police department; Environment, Health and Safety; University Health Services; and the campus benefits office.

Financial Controls/ Quantitative Analysis. Oct. 13 and 15, 1:30-5 p.m.

Using university budget and financial data as examples, participants will learn how to identify key data, determine their meaning and present data effectively. Participants also learn how to identify and calculate fixed and variable costs and practice preparing variance, historical and comparative reports.



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Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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