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Five campus staff members have been awarded the first ever scholarships awarded by the Berkeley Staff Assembly. Each will receive $100 to help them pursue their career aspirations. They are Paul Chan, Physical Plant-Campus Services; Katie Dustin, Housing and Dining Services; Angela Hunkler, Central Computing Services; Scott McElhinney, Berkeley Programs for Study Abroad; and Linnea Soderlund, Berkeley Programs for Study Abroad. Two Berkeley Extension instructors were recently honored for their extraordinary teaching achievements and contributions to programs at Extension. This year's winners of the Honored Instructor Award are Dominic Angerame and William J. Beyda. Angerame, a prominent member of the local film community and director of Canyon Cinema, a distributor of independent and experimental films, has taught in Extension's film and video program since 1989. The 16 mm film production course he introduced at Extension this spring filled up during the first week it was offered. "As a filmmaker myself," says Angerame, "I feel passionately about the cinema and future of the filmmaking process. My students pick up that feeling, too, and then begin to realize how much more there is to the art as they learn the history and film techniques. Filmmaking has always been considered a magical process. Everyone wants to know how it comes into existence, how you create it from nothing. That's the basic enchantment." Beyda has taught data communications courses at Extension since 1985 and contributed to the curriculum design of its Certificate in Telecommunication Engineering. An engineering manager at Siemens Business Communication Systems in Silicon Valley, he consistently receives enthusiastic evaluations from students. "My challenge," Beyda says, "is to bring the non-technical person to the level of understanding they need, while not boring the person with the PhD in engineering." Two or three individuals-from among close to a thousand who teach Berkeley Extension courses throughout the Bay Area and beyond-are selected annually for the Honored Instructor Award. Nominations are made by departments and the final honorees are chosen by Dean Mary Metz. David Hodges, professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences, received the IEEE Education Medal from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers at its annual honors ceremony in June. The award, which includes a gold medal and a $10,000 prize, was presented for Hodges' "innovative teaching of microelectronics and for pioneering education in semiconductor manufacturing." Hodges joined the faculty in 1970 and served as dean of the College of Engineering from 1990-96. His current research includes a study of the semiconductor manufacturing industry. David Hollinger, professor of history, has received the Excellence in Teaching Award for 1997 from Phi Beta Kappa of Northern California. The honor, which includes a $500 honorarium, was presented for "extraordinary gifts, diligence and amplitude of spirit that mark the best in teaching." Hollinger, a specialist in the intellectual history of the United States, is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His most recent book is "Science, Jews and Secular Culture" (Princeton University Press, 1996). Joseph Kerman, professor of music emeritus, has been appointed Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry at Harvard University for 1997-98. Recent incumbents of this prestigious chair, inaugurated by Gilbert Murray in 1926, include John Ashbery, Luciano Berio and Nadine Gordimer. Kerman is the third Berkeleyan to occupy it, following James Cahill in 1978 and Czeslaw Milocz in 1981. He will give a series of lectures entitled "Concerto Conversations." Edward A. Lee, professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences, has received the 1997 Frederick Emmons Terman Award from the American Society for Engineering Education. Named for the founder of Stanford University's electrical engineering program, the Terman award recognizes professors under age 40 who have written textbooks and produced outstanding achievements in teaching and research. Lee earned his PhD at Berkeley in 1986 and joined the faculty the same year. Gabor A. Somorjai, professor of chemistry, was selected by the Materials Research Society to receive the 1997 MRS Von Hippel Award for his work studying materials surfaces. The highest honor given by the society, it recognizes a scientist exhibiting "brilliance and originality of intellect, combined with vision extending beyond the boundaries of conventional scientific disciplines." Somorjai's research examines crystal surfaces, how surface structures are created, and how the surface reacts and interacts with other molecules in the environment. He was cited for his "extraordinary multidisciplinary contributions to the atomic-level understanding of materials surfaces and surface processes with technological importance in heterogeneous catalysis, corrosion and tribology." The award consists of a $10,000 cash prize and a ruby laser crystal representing the many faceted nature of materials research. Somorjai will present the plenary lecture at the awards ceremony, to be held Dec. 3 at the society's meeting in Boston. He has also been asked to present the prestigious Schuit Lecture Sept.
18 at the University of Eindhoven, the premier institution working on catalysis
research in the Netherlands. |