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Campus Supply Hosts Office Products Show Campus Supply, along with Office Depot, will present a tabletop show for faculty and staff Oct. 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the East Pauley Ballroom. The show will highlight numerous manufacturers of office products. Visitors can also get information on Campus Supply's new special pricing program and Office Depot's private label program, and get product samples. Information on other Campus Supply programs, including furniture and space planning, moving services, custodial products and benefit forms, will be available. Visitors are eligible for door prizes and a 10 percent discount for orders placed at the show. For information, contact Joanne Hull at 2-9956 or by email at joanneh@uclink4.berkeley.edu. Instructional Minigrants Available The Office of Educational Development and the Service-Learning Research and Development Center at the Graduate School of Education are pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for the Instructional Minigrant Program. Grants of up to $1,000 are available for courses in spring 1998 that utilize service-learning, the integration of community service activities into the academic curriculum. Service-learning enhances academic instruction by providing students with experiential opportunities to apply course concepts while meeting real community needs. Applications are due by Nov. 14. For a minigrant application packet, assistance in developing your proposal, or more information about the services available through the Service-Learning Center, email Ken Yale, assistant director, at kyale@uclink.berkeley.edu; phone 642-3910; or fax 642-6105. Patent Policy And Form Revised Vice Chancellor for Research Joseph Cerny recently announced to campus that the UC Patent Policy has been revised. The new policy became effective Oct. 1. In addition to the policy revisions, the "Patent Agreement" form has been replaced by the new "Patent Acknowledgment" form, which is being used as of Oct. 1. The official version of this form will be available soon from Campus Supply. In the meantime, a copy of the new "Patent Acknowledgment" form can be found at http://www.chance.berkeley.edu/research/whatsnew/UC-PatentForm.html, and can be downloaded for local printing. Gamelan Works At Oct. 15 Noon Concert Sari Raras, the Javanese gamelan performance ensemble of the Department of Music, will perform a variety of pieces at the free noon concert Oct. 15 at Hertz Hall. The program, "Essence of Harmony: Javanese Gamelan," includes a dance by the choreographer Bagong Kussudiardjo, whose work has been prominent in Indonesia for the past four decades and an unusual composition traditionally played in the Surakarta palace when the king left the throne room. Sari Raras consists of students, faculty, former students and community members. It is directed by Santosa, a graduate student in ethno-musicology who teaches at the Indonesian Arts Academy in Surakarta, and Ben Brinner, ethno-musicologist and associate professor of music. Free Depression Screenings Oct. 9 Licensed psychologists and mental health professionals will offer members of the campus and local community the opportunity to learn about the signs and symptoms of depression and participate in a free, confidential screening Thursday, Oct. 9. Screenings will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Stephens Lounge, located on the third floor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union. This opportunity is being offered in conjunction with National Depression Screening Day, sponsored nationally by the American Psychological Association and other mental health organizations. All are welcome, whether the interest is personal or for a friend or family member. Participants can watch a short video, pick up educational materials and/or hear a brief talk followed by a question- and-answer period. They may also complete a confidential written screening test for depression and discuss the results with a mental health professional. Referrals for follow-up evaluation and treatment will be available. Campus and community members are also invited to attend a lecture, "Overview of Medications Used in Depression Treatment," presented by Ron Elson, chief of psychiatry at University Health Services. The lecture is at 4 p.m., also on Oct. 9, in Room 3290 of Tang Center, 2222 Bancroft Way. For information contact Esteban Sena at UHS, 642-9494, or Lesley Parke at Alameda County Psychological Association, 832-0717. Films of avant-garde filmmaker Gregory Markopoulos (1928-1992) can be seen at Pacific Film Archive and SF Cinematheque between now and Oct. 23. Mythology, portraits of fellow artists, and evocations of beloved places are among the themes that most intrigued Markopoulos, who has been called "the American avant-garde cinema's supreme erotic poet." PFA's screenings, scheduled for Oct. 9, 21 and 23, demonstrate his mastery of complex superimpositions, reconfigured sound compositions, and intricate editing. Many have been unavailable since Markopoulos moved to Greece some 30 years ago. Advance tickets are on sale at the PFA Box Office, or may be charged
by phoning 642-5249. For information, call 642-1412. |