Wellness/Health*Matters For information, call 643-4646. Health*Matters Walking Group Every Mon., Wed. and Fri., 12:10 p.m.-1 p.m., Campanile. Start your new year off with a commitment to be active at least 30 minutes every day. You will be surprised by the benefits of added energy, improved concentration and better sleep. Join the walking group every Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the year for a 30- to 35-minute walk through campus. No enrollment is necessary. At noon Monday, Jan. 26, all faculty, staff and students are invited to join a walk in memory of Genny McNeil, a staff member and walking group leader who died in December. CARE Services For more information or to enroll, call 643-7754. Elder/Adult Dependent Caregivers Support Group Jan. 14, noon-1 p.m. This continuing group is for faculty and staff who are providing assistance to an adult in their lives. New participants are welcome. Hysterectomy Support Group Jan. 20, noon-1 p.m. Many women in the workplace face hysterectomy as the suggested treatment for a variety of medical diagnoses. This one-time group will provide participants an opportunity for information, sharing, discussion and emotional support. This group is for women who have already had or are considering/planning a hysterectomy in the future Latino/Hispanic Support Group Jan. 30, noon-1 p.m. Six Friday sessions, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 and March 6 Race and ethnicity are key issues that affect our day-to-day lives in a variety of ways, and many feel a need to discuss how these issues impact our work and home lives. Participants will have the opportunity for a dialogue with others sharing similar experiences, feelings and concerns. Co-sponsored with the Staff Affirmative Action Office. Employee Development and Training For information call 642-8134. Follow your department training guidelines before signing up for classes. Professional Skills Assessment Program The Professional Skills Assessment Program (PSAP) is a University-wide program designed to provide knowledge and feedback on job-related skills for staff preparing to assume responsibilities at the professional level. This program takes place over four days, from March 31 through April 3, at a residential conference center where participants demonstrate their skills and receive feedback from University professional staff. All UC career employees at the administrative assistant I to non-supervising administrative assistant III levels, or equivalent, are eligible to be nominated by their supervisors. The cost for the residential program is a $450 recharge fee for participants. The application deadline is Jan. 23. For information, application and brochure, call 642-8134. Management Skills Assessment Program The Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) is a University-wide management development program designed to provide feedback on management skills, which in turn can improve on-the-job performance. This program takes place over four days, May 5 through 8, at a residential conference center where participants demonstrate and evaluate their management skills and receive feedback from university managers. All UC supervisors, managers or professional staff at the Administrative Assistant III level or above are eligible to be nominated by their supervisors. The $695 fee for participants covers tuition, room and board for four days and three nights. The application deadline is Jan. 23. For information, application and brochure, call 642-8134. PSAP Assessors Sought University managers, analysts and management services officers or equivalent are invited to serve as assessors for the Professional Skills Assessment Program. Assessors observe and evaluate participants' professional skills. Assessors will meet professionals from other UC locations and learn and practice techniques for describing behavior and giving feedback. If interested, call Ellie Schindelman at 643-0645. MSAP Assessors Sought Managers and professional staff at the MSO III level, equivalent or higher are needed to participate as assessors in the Management Skills Assessment Program. As an assessor you will refine your group facilitation, performance feedback and coaching skills while supporting the development of entry-level supervisors and professional staff. Refer to the program description above. If interested, call Ellie Schindelman at 643-0645. New Employee Orientation. Jan. 20 and Feb. 3, 8:30 a.m.-noon. This orientation, offered twice monthly, covers campus structure and culture, benefits, computer competency, and safety- related issues. Presentations addressing these issues are given by staff from the campus police department; Environment, Health and Safety; University Health Services; and the campus benefits office. |