WELLNESS/ Health*Matters. For information or to enroll, call 643-4646. Smoke No More. Jan. 29-Mar. 19, noon-1 p.m., $40 (first class at no charge). Understand your smoking habit and its health effects, identify what triggers your smoking and learn new, healthy behaviors to live as a non-smoker. To enroll call Social Services at 642-6074. CARE Services. For information or to enroll, please call 643-7754. Alcohol and Drugs: When You Have Concern about Someone Else's Use. Jan.30, noon-2:30 p.m. This workshop is designed to help you address the issues that arise when someone in your personal or work life has, or may have, an alcohol or other drug problem. Latino/Hispanic Support Group. Jan.30, noon-1 p.m. Six Friday sessions, Jan.30, Feb.6, 13, 20, 27, and March 6. Race and ethnicity are key issues that affect our day-to-day lives in a variety of ways, and many people feel a need to discuss how these issues impact our work and home lives. In this support group, participants have the opportunity for a dialogue with others sharing similar experiences, feelings and concerns. Co-sponsored with the Staff Affirmative Action Office. Employee Development And Training For information, call 642-8134. Follow your department training guidelines before signing up for classes. CHANGE OF DATE: Managing and Mediating Conflict in the Workplace (for Managers and Supervisors only). Feb. 20, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Each participant will learn how to analyze and map workplace conflicts, assess your own style of dealing with them, select the appropriate strategy for managing workplace conflicts, maintain neutrality and practice supervisory mediation through role playing. UCB Professions: Computer-Related Technical Professions. Feb. 10, 9-11:30 a.m. This class features a panel of current Berkeley employees working in computer-related fields. Panelists will share their perspectives about the challenges of their work, their particular career paths, and the satisfaction they derive from their jobs. Hiring trends, patterns and opportunities will also be covered in the class. Women Leaders: A Symposium for Women in University Settings. March 12, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Clark Kerr Campus. M. Joycelyn Elders, MD, former U.S. Surgeon General, will be keynote speaker for this all-day conference developed under the auspices of the UCSF Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women. The conference is intended to give women, especially those at UCSF and Berkeley campuses, an opportunity to discuss critically where women are today in gaining access to positions of leadership in higher education. To register call Jean Chen (415) 476-5836. New Employee Orientation. Feb. 3 and 17, March 3, 8:30 a.m.-noon. This orientation, offered twice monthly, covers campus structure and culture, benefits, computer competency and safety-related issues. Presentations addressing these issues are given by staff from the campus police department; Environment, Health and Safety; University Health Services; and the campus benefits office. PSAP Assessors Sought University managers, analysts and management services officers or equivalent are invited to serve as assessors for the Professional Skills Assessment Program. Assessors observe and evaluate participants' professional skills. Assessors will meet professionals from other UC locations and learn and practice techniques for describing behavior and giving feedback. For infor-mation call Ellie Schindelman at 643-0645. MSAP Assessors Sought Managers and professional staff at the MSO III level, equivalent or higher are needed to participate as assessors in the Management Skills Assessment Program. As an assessor you will refine your group facilitation, performance feedback and coaching skills while supporting the development of entry-level supervisors and professional staff. For information, call Ellie Schindelman at 643-0645. |