Wellness/Health*Matters. For information or to enroll, call 643-4646. Secrets to Low-fat Sauces Feb. 12, 4 p.m.-5 p.m. Participants learn professional techniques for making delicious low-fat sauces, watch preparation, taste samples and discover new recipes. CARE Services. For information or to enroll, please call 643-7754. Women and Aging Group Feb. 3, 10 and 17, noon-1 p.m. This group is for women who may have begun their careers at the university when they were young, and who feel their bodies and outlooks are changing as they age. Decisions women face as they age will be explored. Participants who wish to attend the last two sessions of this class are welcome. Taking Charge of Change Feb.18, 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Even positive changes, like getting married or getting a promotion, can be difficult and stressful. Participants learn about key considerations concerning the human side of change, especially in relation to the workplace. Practical suggestions for coping with and taking advantage of change will also be discussed. Employee Development And Training For information, call 642-8134. Follow your department training guidelines before signing up for classes. New Employee Orientation Feb. 17, March 3 and 17, 8:30 a.m.-noon. This orientation, offered twice monthly, covers campus structure and culture, benefits, computer competency and safety related issues. Presentations addressing these issues are given by staff from the campus police department; Environment, Health and Safety; University Health Services; and the campus benefits office. Women Leaders: A Symposium for Women in University Settings March 12, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Clark Kerr Campus. M. Joycelyn Elders, former U.S. Surgeon General, will be keynote speaker for this all-day conference developed under the auspices of the UCSF Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women. The conference is intended to give women, especially those at UCSF and Berkeley campuses, an opportunity to discuss the status of women's leadership in higher education. To register call Jean Chen (415) 476-5836. UCB Professions: Computer-Related Technical Professions Feb. 10, 9-11:30 a.m. This class features a panel of current campus employees working in computer-related fields. Panelists will share their perspectives about the challenges of their work, their particular career paths and the satisfaction they derive from their jobs. Hiring trends, patterns and opportunities will also be covered. CHANGE OF DATE: Managing and Mediating Conflict in the Workplace (for Managers and Supervisors only) Feb. 20, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Participants will learn how to analyze and map workplace conflicts, assess their own styles of dealing with them, select ap- propriate strategies to manage workplace conflicts, maintain neutrality and practice supervisory mediation through role plays.