UC Printing Wins Management Award UC Printing Services recently received a silver award for management excellence from the National Association of Printers and Lithographers. "Being selected as one of the industry's best-managed graphic arts services is a tremendous honor," said George Craig, UCPS director, "and our entire staff deservedly shares the honor." The annual awards are based on management performance compared to professional and industry standards. UC Printing was cited for its superior financial record, its emphasis on employee participation in management and its consistency in producing quality printing. With 95 employees at its Oxford Street plant, the organization specializes in multicolor printing for the UC system. Craig accepts the award at a March 4 banquet at the association's Top Management Conference in St. Petersburg, Fla. Ann Swidler Ann Swidler, associate professor of sociology, received the Soulages Writing Award from the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany and Emeryville at a Feb. 19 luncheon at the Berkeley City Club. The league selected Swidler for her significant contributions to two widely-acclaimed collaborative books, "Habits of the Heart" (UC Press, 1985) and "The Good Society" (Knopf, 1991). Both books deal with morality and ethics in American society and contain analysis of the historical underpinnings of current political affairs and the ethical dilemmas posed for candidates needing to raise ever larger sums of money to run for office. Professor Swidler's writings, said the league, "not only explore in depth the complex social and cultural foundations of our democratic experience but also point to the need for reconstructing our political institutions." Golden Key National Honor Society The campus chapter of the Golden Key National Honor Society recently selected Chancellor Berdahl, associate adjunct professor of molecular and cell biology Caroline Kane, physics lecturer Bruce Birkett and community members Ron Kunisawa and Shirley Richardson as honorary members of the society. Honorary members of the student-run academic leadership organization receive full rights and privileges of the society. They are selected based on their contributions to the community, the university and its students. More than 5,000 honorary members have been named to the society, including President Bill Clinton, author Alex Haley and former First Lady Barbara Bush. The honorary members were announced at an award ceremony in Berkeley, at which academically superior juniors and seniors were initiated into the society. Fiona Doyle Fiona Doyle, professor of materials science and mineral engineering, received the 1998 Distin- guished Service Award from the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society. The award recognized her outstanding contributions to the society in many committees and society activities, especially her dedication to it efforts in programming and student affairs. A society member for 15 years, Doyle received the award in San Antonio, Tex. this month. Don Pederson Don Pederson, professor emeritus of electrical engineering and computer sciences, has been named to receive the 1997 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers medal of honor. The award recognizes Pederson's ground-breaking work in the computer-aided design of large-scale electronic integrated circuits, including circuit simulation and layout. Software tools developed from his group's research, like SPICE - a pioneering computer program for the computer-aided design of integrated circuits - have made monumental impacts on industry. Past award recipients include Lofti Zadeh, professor in the graduate school (1995), and John Whinnery, university professor emeritus (1985). Paleontology Web Site Nominated for Award Sun Microsystems has nominated the Museum of Paleontology web site for a Computerworld Smithsonian Award, given to those "whose visionary use of information technology produces positive social, economic and educational change." Nominations are made by chairs of the nation's leading information technology companies. Sun Microsystems CEO Scott G. McNealy nominated the museum's "Explorations through Time: Accessing Science Through Technology" for an award in the science cate-gory. The web sites of all nominees are archived by the Smithsonian, giving them a permanent place in its National Museum of American History. "We were excited to be nominated," says Judy Scotchmoor, director of museum relations. "We didn't even know such an award existed." When graduate students started the museum's web site in the basement of McCone Hall in late 1992, it was one of the first 50 sites on the web. It has since evolved into one of the largest (with more than 3,000 pages), developed almost entirely without external funding. Graduate students are the primary authors of its materials. The winner of the Smithsonian Award will be named April 6 at a ceremony at the Smithsonian Castle. The site can be found at www.ucmp.berkeley.edu.