Call for Nomination for BSA's Excellence
in Management Award

Berkeley Staff Assembly is seeking nominations for its Excellence in Management Award. The award identifies and publicly recognizes outstanding managers and supervisors. The deadline for nominations is March 18.

If your manager or supervisor has improved your work experience, helped you perform more successfully on the job, supported your educational and career achievement, or encouraged you to take on a community service project, you may want to thank him or her with a nomination.

This year's theme, "Managing Work/Life Quality," is designed to honor managers who have implemented work arrangements enhancing employees' ability to integrate work and personal life, achieve educational and career goals and perform community service, while maintaining or improving job performance. It supports the administrative vision of the "Partnership for Excellence in the 21st Century."

Any academic and non-academic employee can nominate, with the proviso that nominees must have had supervisory or managerial responsibilities for a year or more in their current position. Nominations must come from staff directly supervised by the nominee and include supporting signatures from at least half of those directly reporting to the nominee.

The nomination form is available online at

Submit nominations to Kathleen Valerio, Haas Computing Services, S300B Student Services Bldg. MC 1900.



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