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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() News Briefs Posted March 17, 1999 Two Staffers Win Fabilli-Hoffer Essay Prizes Among the five winners of this year's Lili Fabilli and Eric Hoffer Essay Prize are two staff members: Paul Klein, a faculty assistant in the Department of Integrative Biology, and Zack Rogow, an editor in the Graduate School of Education. The annual 500-word essay contest is the only campus contest open to staff and faculty. This year the $2,500 in prize money was divided five ways, with Klein and Rogow each receiving $500. The other three winners are students.
The topic for this year's essay, chosen by the Committee on Prizes, was "Brushstrokes." The Lunch Poems series continues April 1 with Marie Howe, whose book "The Good Thief" was winner of the National Poetry Series. The free reading takes place from 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. in the Lipman Room, 8th floor, Barrows Hall. "What the Living Do," Howe's second book, explores the endeavor of living in the aftermath of her brother's death from AIDS. The Lunch Poems series each year brings to campus some of today's best poets to read from their works. It was instituted in 1996 by Robert Hass, professor of English and former U.S. poet laureate, to celebrate "the extraordinary richness of Berkeley's poetic tradition."
The final reading of the 1998-99 series, on May 7, will feature the work of Berkeley students. Parents of teens will have the opportunity to learn from and meet author Michael Riera Monday, March 29, from 12:10 to 1:30 p.m. at Tang Center. Well known to local parents as a psychologist, lecturer and Parents Press columnist, Riera is recognized nationally for his popular books, "Uncommon Sense" and "Surviving High School," as well as his monthly Internet column, "Dr. Mike About Teens." The teen years, Riera contends, are often misunderstood as a phase to be dreaded instead of enjoyed. He will discuss challenges facing parents of teenagers and ideas and strategies for addressing them. A question and answer period will follow.
For information, call CARE Services for Faculty and Staff at 643-7754. Students, faculty and staff from Berkeley's Department of Spanish and Portuguese will perform, in Spanish, a play called "Los intereses creados" ("Vested Interests"), March 18 to 20. This classic, turn-of-the-century farce by Spain's Nobel Prize-winning playwright Jacinto Benavente combines commedia dell'arte with Spanish popular theater and contemporary satire. "Los Intereses Creados" follows Leandro and CrispĚn, two penniless pĚcaros with a yearning for cash, as they try to scheme their way into fortune. The play begins at 8 p.m. nightly, with a Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. All performances will take place in Zellerbach Hall. Tickets are $7 general admission, $5 for students with ID.
For information or to reserve tickets call 642-0471. The Townsend Center for the Humanities, in cooperation with the Graduate Division, will sponsor a symposium on "The Future of the Humanities PhD" March 29 from 2 to 5:30 p.m. in the Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall. Participants will include Joseph Cerny, dean of the graduate division; Maresi Nerad, director of research, graduate division; Randolph Starn, director of the Townsend Center; Thomas Bender, University Professor of the Humanities and professor of history, New York University; Sandria Freitag, former executive director of the American Historical Association; Paul Alpers, professor of English; and Peter Lyman, professor of information management.
The symposium is free and open to the public. The fantasy film "The Princess Bride," SUPERB's April 2 feature, has been described as "one of those rare, magical films with appeal for all types and age groups across the board." Starring Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley-Kilmer, it is the story of a princess longing for a lover to save her from a cruel prince. Screenings are at 7 and 9:30 p.m. in Wheeler Auditorium, which is wheelchair accessible. Admission is $3 with a valid campus photo ID, $4 general admission. Arrive early for seating and tickets.
SUPERB Productions is a student-run, nonprofit ASUC organization. For information see the SUPERB website at www.asuc.org/superb, or call 642-7511 for recorded information. Frank Rhodes, president emeritus of Cornell University, delivers the first of two Jefferson Memorial lectures, Tuesday, March 30, at 4:10 p.m. in Barrows Hall's Lipman Room. "The American University: Dinosaur or Dynamo?" is the subject of Rhodes' talk. Rhodes, a geologist by training and a national leader as an advocate for education and research, has played a significant role in the development of national science policy under several presidents, including Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Rhodes received the 1995 Clark Kerr Award from Berkeley's Academic Senate to honor his distinguished leadership in higher education. The second Jefferson Memorial Lecture, "Invoking the Constitution Ineptly," will be presented by Abner Mikva Tuesday, April 13, at the same time and location.
The lectureship was established in 1944, under the will of Elizabeth Bonestell, for the study and promotion of the basic principles of American Democracy. The Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley Division (LAUC-B) seeks nominations for the 1999 Distinguished Librarian Award. The award recognizes excellence in librarianship, specifically as it furthers the teaching and research missions of the Berkeley campus. Bill Roberts of The Bancroft Library is the most recent recipient. Campus librarians, faculty, staff or students may nominate Berkeley librarians who have given exceptional service to the profession and the campus. The deadline for nominations is May 28. For guidelines and a list of former award winners, see library.berkeley.edu/LAUC/#dist or contact Terry Dean at 643-6429 or tdean@library.berkeley.edu. Submit nominations to the Distinguished Librarian Award Committee, c/o Terry Dean, Chair, Institute of Governmental Studies Library, 109 Moses Hall, MC 2370.