TowerBerkeleyan Online

Stories for Nov. 10, 1999


Laird Receives Berkeley Citation


An Interview With Bob Laird


Program to Track Global Traffic in Organs


Original Oski Recalls Mascot's Glory Days


Helping Berkeley High Freshmen to Succeed


Will There Be Money Left in Social Security's Stash When You Retire?


Photo IDs Are on Their Way


Campus Researchers Eagerly Visit Iran


Considerable Land Remains for Sonoma Vineyards to Expand, Computer Model Shows


Former Congressman Dellums Inaugurates Endowed Chair With Lecture


State's Three Strikes Law Strikes Out

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Top Story: Laird Receives Berkeley Citation
Bob Laird

Maximino Martinez, Incentive Awards Program outreach coordinator, greets Bob Laird and his son Casey in a wedding dress Laird once donned for a Bay to Breakers Marathon.

In a farewell fête that included a Berkeley Citation, municipal proclamation and fashion show, the campus said a collective good-bye Nov. 5, to Bob Laird, director of Undergraduate Admission and Relations with Schools.

With his retirement next week, Laird ends a 22-year career in recruitment and admissions at Berkeley, which began in 1977, at the Office of Relations with Schools. Over the years, he traveled annually to communities throughout the state, where he became known to school personnel, students and parents for his spontaneous wit and candid answers to hard questions. Because of his outspoken commitment to disadvantaged students, many considered him the conscience of the UC system. (continues)


November 10- 16, 1999 (Volume 28, Number 14)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the
Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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