Briefs |
Posted March 1, 2000
March 24 Deadline Established For AIDS Memorial Designs The deadline for submitting designs for the Berkeley AIDS Memorial competition is March 24. To register for the contest, visit the competition Web site at (campus. chance.berkeley.edu/BAMC/). An information packet, which includes a program, rules, site photographs and drawings, is also posted on the site. A cash prize of $1,000 will go to the contest winner, to be announced April 7. The design will be re-created, using a construction budget of $50,000, in the light court between Doe Library and the Library Annex.
Honoring Managers Who Promote Workplace Diversity: A Call for Nominations Employees can honor managers and supervisors who promote diversity in the workplace by nominating them for an Excellence in Management award. The Berkeley Staff Assembly, sponsor of the award, is looking for leaders who foster open communication and the sharing of ideas from a variety of perspectives; recognize differences in the way people communicate or share ideas; promote cultural awareness; develop recruitment strategies to achieve diversity goals; and create an inclusive work environment. The award is open to all employees with a least one year of supervisorial or managerial responsibilities in their current positions. Nominations must originate from staff directly supervised by the nominee and include supporting signatures from at least half of these staff. A nomination form is available on the staff assembly Web site at (bsa.berkeley.edu:4218). Send nominations to Valerie Helmold, 200 California Hall, MC 1502, no later than 5 p.m., Friday, March 24. The awards will be announced in April and presented at a ceremony Thursday, May 11. For information, contact Helmold at valhelm@ulink4. berkeley.edu or 642-5626.
UC President Richard Atkinson To Speak On Tidal Wave II UC President Richard Atkinson will speak on "Tidal Wave II and Higher Education in the Next Decade" at the Commonwealth Club, 595 Market St., 2nd floor, in San Francisco (near Montgomery BART) at 5:30, on Wednesday, March 8. Reservations are $10 and can be made by calling (415) 597-6705. Atkinson will look at the challenges and opportunities facing the University of California and higher education in a period of dramatic enrollment growth.
Argentine Artist to Speak On Art and Human Rights Argentine artist Claudia Bernardi will speak from 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 8 at the Center for Latin American Studies, in conjunction with an exhibit of her work on display at the center's gallery through Sept. 1. After democracy was restored to Argentina in 1982, Bernardi joined anthropologists and human rights officials in the initial forensic work to investigate mass graves created during the military dictatorship. Ever since, she has focused -- through her own art, her work as a volunteer art teacher with Oakland's Salvadoran immigrant community, and teaching in Argentina and at Mills College -- on issues of state terror and human rights. The Center for Latin American Studies is located at 2334 Bowditch. For information call 642-2088, e-mail clas@uclink4.berkeley.edu or see (www.clas.berkeley.edu/clas).