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Stories for Mar. 15, 2000

From Concrete Jungle To Vital Campus Center

Discover the Many Faces of Cal at Cal Day 2000

Graduate Student Strike Update

Fueling California's Prosperity

Humans Will Not Live to See the Planet Rebound

Beauty in the Aftermath of Bloodshed: Argentine Artist Explores Human Rights Terrain

Campus Celebrates 132 Years of Excellence on Charter Day

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Campus Calendar


News Briefs

Photo of the Week: Majoring in Mud

Chemistry senior John Yeh lets off steam with a fellow student in Memorial Glade following a rain..

Top Story: From Concrete Jungle To Vital Campus Center

Imagine Lower Sproul Plaza as an active and friendly information center, as efficient as the entrance to Disneyland, or sleek and sophisticated as New York City's Lincoln Center. (continues)


March15-21, 2000 (Volume 28, Number 25)
Copyright 2000, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the
Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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