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News Briefs
20 SEPTEMBER 00 Chancellor talks with staff September 26 Chancellor Berdahl conducts his annual chat with staff Tuesday, September 26 in Bechtel's Sibley Auditorium from noon to 1 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Berkeley Staff Assembly. Berdahl will discuss important issues facing the campus and likely to impact staff, such as construction, recruitment and retention, and expanded student enrollment. He will also answer questions forwarded by BSA members prior to the event. This is the chancellor's third address to staff since his arrival to the campus in 1998, all hosted by Berkeley Staff Assembly. For information, call 642-4405. Proposed electronic communications policy The Office of the President has notified the campus of the proposed policy on electronic communication, replacing Electronic Mail Policy and Business and Finance Bulletin IS-6 (Campus Communications Guidelines). The new policy is proposed for implementation in September. The text of the proposed policy, and a table highlighting the points on which it differs from the Electronic Mail Policy, are available online at www.ucop. edu/ucophome/policies/ec. Hard copies will be located at the Human Resources front desk, 207 University Hall and the Doe Library reference desk. Questions should be addressed to employee relations specialists or the Academic Personnel Office. Fidelity workshop series on investment, retirement The Office of Human Resources Benefits Unit is offering a workshop series with Fidelity Investments in 150 University Hall from 10 a.m. to noon on the following dates: o Monday, Oct. 16: Investment Briefings/Managing Your Account On-Line (New) o Tuesday, Oct. 17: Investment Strategies for Women/Managing Your Account On-Line (New) o Wednesday, Oct. 18: Retirement In View Women planning to attend the Investment Strategies for Women workshop should not attend the Investment Strategies workshop, as much of the information will be duplicated. Please note that food and drink are not allowed in 150 University Hall. All workshop enrollments will be handled by Fidelity's Central Reservation System at (800) 642-7131 between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. Employees may enroll in one class or the entire series based on availability. Since the number of available spaces is limited, notify Fidelity directly if a cancellation is necessary, so that other employees can enroll. Faculty with disabilities to meet October 5 An informal meeting for faculty to discuss experiences of working and teaching on campus while dealing with illness, injury and/or disability will be held at 4 p.m., Thursday October 5, in 275 Kroeber (the Garron Reading Room). For information, contact Susan Schweik at 642-4333. Free HIV testing moves to weekly schedule, Thursdays Free, anonymous HIV antibody testing for faculty, staff and students is now offered every Thursday from 5:15 to 7:15 p.m. at the Tang Center. The drop-in service operates out of the Specialty Clinic on the first floor to the right of the elevators. Check-in starts at 5 p.m. Provided jointly by University Health Services and the City of Berkeley, the service was offered monthly last year. The large demand prompted the move to weekly testing on a trial basis. Tang Center is located at 2222 Bancroft Way. For more information, call Health Promotion at 642-7202. Sign up for 'Men in the Workplace' workshop Campus men are invited to sign up for a 12-week seminar, "Men in the Workplace, Finding Our Way in a Changing Work World." The new workshop is cosponsored by CARE Services, the College of Engineering, and the Staff Affirmative Action Office. To enroll, call CARE Services at 643-7754. Campus stars in 'Boys & Girls,' September 22 at Wheeler The Hollywood coming-of-age film "Boys and Girls," filmed last fall on the Berkeley campus, is the featured presentation Friday, September 22, in ASUC's SUPERB film series. See Freddie Prinze Jr., an uptight engineering major, and Claire Forlani as a party-loving classics student - falling in love as Berkeley undergrads - as well as dozens of student "extras." Campus scenes include the patio of Giannini Hall, reincarnated as an outdoor café, as well as Doe Library, Kleeberger Field, Memorial Stadium, Sproul Plaza and Valley Life Sciences. San Francisco's Haight Street stands in for Telegraph Avenue. "Boys and Girls" will be shown at 7 and 9 p.m. in Wheeler Auditorium. The cost is $4 for non-students. Name change to earth and planetary science Effective July 1, 2000, the Department of Geology and Geophysics became the Department of Earth and Planetary Science. Tang flu shot clinics may be postponed The annual flu shot clinics sponsored by University Health Services may be postponed this fall due to a delay in the manufacture of the vaccine. The clinic dates will be advertised once the vaccine arrives - probably mid- to late October. For information call 642-1814. |
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