

Campus breast health awareness campaign

04 OCTOBER 00 |Health*Matters is sponsoring an educational program to help the campus learn more about breast cancer.

Lecture series

Peg Berdahl invites the campus to University House each Thursday in October for a series of talks on breast cancer. All begin at 12:10 p.m., and lunches are welcome.

Oct. 5: Myths of Breast Cancer Risk, Diagnosis and Treatment ‹ Musa Mayer, breast cancer activist and best-selling author.

Oct. 12: Faces of Breast Cancer: Campus breast cancer survivors share their experiences ‹ Facilitated by KTVU reporter Faith Fancher.

Oct. 19: Breast Cancer: Early Detection, Awareness, Advocacy ‹ Ernie Bodai, director of breast surgery at Kaiser Hospital.

Oct. 26: Advances in Breast Cancer ‹Hope Rugo, medical oncologist at UCSF.

Education, resources and more

Check for links to credible, current and comprehensive breast cancer sites for patients and those in supporting roles.

Call Health*Matters at 643-4646 to request a breast health packet, which includes a collection of materials on breast health, diet and nutrition and early detection; a speaker for your staff organization or campus meeting of 15 or more; and referrals for low-cost or free mammograms.

Visit the Self-Care Resource Center, located at the Tang Center, to view the "Breast Health: Know the Facts, Know for Sure" video. The center is open 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Plus-ten pledge

Call Health*Matters at 643-4646 to get your own copy of a breast health video and breast self-exam brochure. Then, spread the word. Tell 10 family members and friends that early detection is the best protection.

Cal for the cure

  • On Sunday, Oct. 15, join the Berkeley Team at the Komen Race for the Cure, which raises money for breast cancer education, screening, treatment and research.
  • Race-day bus transportation from the campus to Golden Gate Park will be provided for a small fee. "Cal for the Cure" T-shirts are available for the first 100 registered Berkeley participants.
  • Register online at ( com), by calling (800)698-8699 or by mail. Forms are available at the Doe Library Information Center, 1st floor, north entrance; RSF lobby desk; or the University Health Services lobby desk.
  • To reserve bus transportation or for information, call 643-4646 between 8 a.m. and noon.


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