Newsbriefs 04 OCTOBER 00 Foundation funds science reporting professorship The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation recently awarded $1.5 million to fund a tenured Knight Chair in Journalism at Berkeley for a professor to concentrate on science and technology reporting. "Living as we do at the epicenter of the 21st century's revolution in science and technology, this endowed chair will allow the Graduate School of Journalism at Berkeley to help train a new generation of journalists to cover this crucial field," said Orville Schell, dean of the school. The Berkeley post will be broadly defined, according to the school's proposal to the Knight Foundation, but will emphasize information technology and biological sciences. Office of Student Life hosts open house The Office of Student Life is holding an open house from noon to 3 p.m., Friday, October 13 - at 102 and 326 Sproul Hall, 505 Eshleman Hall and 250 Cesar Chavez - to familiarize the campus with its services. Formerly called Student Activities and Services, the newly named Office of Student Life includes the Dean of Students, Student Group Advising, Cal Corps Public Service Center, the Gender and Equity Resource Center, Student Judicial Affairs, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Services. Events associated with the open house also include:
A blue and gold tent on Upper Sproul will provide information about the office during the day. For information, call 643-5111 or 643-0305. Strawberry Creek cleanup Oct. 12 Volunteers are needed for the Strawberry Creek Pre-rainy Season Cleanup 2000, to be held noon-3 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 12. Come to the natural amphi-theater just east of Sather Gate and work for as long as you are available. Participants will be sent in small teams to remove litter and debris from the creek and its banks. These efforts will help with the ongoing restoration and habitat improvements of Strawberry Creek and will help protect San Francisco Bay when the rains come. Environment, Health and Safety and Physical Plant - Campus Services, cosponsors of the cleanup, will supply trash bags and gloves and a limited supply of "We Got Fish!!!" T-shirts for volunteers. For information, contact
Steve Maranzana at stevemar@uclink4.berkeley.edu
or call 642-6568. |
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