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Got those work/life blues?
With new online guide, help is on the way

| 02 April 2003

Many staff and faculty, at some point, face family-life issues. But finding the relevant university policies, benefits, and services and locating community resources can be challenging, says Carol Hoffman, manager of University Health Services’ Work/Life Program and co-chair of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Dependent Care. Although UC and the Berkeley campus have many “family-friendly” policies and benefits, many faculty and staff are unaware of their existence and so don’t take advantage of them, she says.

The campus hopes to change that situation — with an updated, easy-to-use website, “Work and Family: A Guide for UC Berkeley Faculty and Staff.” The site offers a comprehensive overview of campus work/life policies and benefits plus extensive information on choosing child care, elder care, and flexible work arrangements.

The updated website is the third version of the guide, originally published a decade ago. New features include a series of checklists pointing users to all sections of the guide, with information on selected topics: pregnancy and post-delivery; adoption, foster care, and guardianship; parenting; and elder and adult-dependent care. The site now provides hyperlinks to resources in the community as well.

To access the online guide, point your web browser to workandfamily.chance.berkeley.edu.

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