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16 April 2003

Narrowing the Nation’s Power: The Supreme Court Sides With the States
By John Noonan, Jr.

Narrowing the Nation’s Power is an account of how a conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court, in the last six years, has cut back the power of Congress and enhanced the autonomy of the 50 states. The New York Times called it “a blistering book arguing that the court’s conservatives are actually engaged in a huge power grab, under the banner of respect for the states, that seriously erodes the rights of ordinary Americans.”

Currently a senior judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals, Noonan is Robbins Professor of Law Emeritus at Boalt Hall and author of a dozen books, including the 1998 work, The Lustre of Our Country: The American Experience of Religious Freedom, which was New York Times Notable Book.

University of California Press
203 pages

Navigating WebCT:A Student’s Guide
By M.E. Sokolik

Maggie Sokolik — lecturer in College Writing Programs and assistant director for language proficiency and instructional technology of the Graduate Student Instructor Teaching and Resource Center — has created a print guide for students using the WebCT course-management system. Offering a “plain English” approach for students using WebCT, it includes tips for becoming a good online student. It also includes clear illustrations of the menus and screen instructions that students encounter when using WebCT.

Prentice Hall
60 pages

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