UC Berkeley News



17 March 2004

EH&S water-quality efforts cited
For the first time, the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) has awarded a certificate of merit for outstanding achievement to a university — UC Berkeley.

The campus was nominated for the award, in the large-facility category, by the East Bay Municipal Utility District. The water district called recent campus pollution prevention and control measures — led by the Office of Environment, Health, & Safety — “very impressive.” These include reducing the amount of chlorinated hydrocarbons entering the sanitary sewer, developing campus drain-disposal guidelines, implementing outreach and education programs, and more recently, establishing a mercury-reduction program. The campus was also recognized for its significant efforts to restore and protect Strawberry Creek.

CWEA is a wastewater-industry trade group whose members are primarily wastewater-treatment-plant professionals, equipment manufacturers, and consultants. “It typically honors large industrial dischargers who have greatly enhanced their pollution prevention programs,” notes EH&S Director Mark Freiberg. This time, acknowledging that academic institutions also face significant challenges in protecting water quality, the group awarded Berkeley one of only two certificates of merit for the Northern California region.

The award was presented Feb. 23 at a luncheon in Burbank, Calif.

Seven Berkeley researchers win Sloan fellowships
Earlier this month, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announced the names of 116 outstanding young scientists and economists selected to receive research fellowships. The new Sloan Fellows represent 51 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada; seven of them are from UC Berkeley. Campus winners are Eugene Chiang, physics; Chang-Tai Hsieh, economics; Alessandra Lanzara, physics; James O’Brien, computer science; Jonathan Shewchuk, computer science; Dirk Trauner, chemistry; and Ashvin Vishwanath, physics.

The 2004 fellows were selected from more than 500 nominations. The Sloan Research Fellowship Program was started in 1955 to encourage research by young scholars at a critical time in their careers when other support is difficult to obtain. Each Fellow receives $40,000 for research over a two-year period and is allowed considerable leeway in how to spend the fellowship funds.

UC Berkeley Extension wins promotional awards
The University Continuing Education Association (UCEA) has announced the winners of its 2004 Marketing and Publications Awards. UC Berkeley Extension won one gold and two silver awards, plus an honorable mention. It will be among the institutions to display its promotional work at the association’s annual conference in San Antonio next month.

UC Berkeley Extension’s awards are as follows:
• Gold for the Interior Design and Interior Architecture Certificate Program Guide, in the association’s award category for one- or two-color print brochures. The team that created the guide included Bonnie Stiles, Ron Addad, Megan Smith, Allison Seidel, and Eileen Ecklund.

• Silver for the institutional marketing campaign “Uncommon Knowledge,” in the mixed-media campaign category. Extension’s institutional campaign was developed by Teresa Parker, Megan Smith, Ron Addad, Peggy Williams, Lisa McLaughlin, and Tad Lathrop.

• Silver for the 2004-05 International Diploma Programs brochure, in the three-or-more-colors print brochure category. The piece was created by Janis Williamson, Lisa Erskine, Rod Smith, Peggy Williams, and Tad Lathrop.

• Honorable mention for UC Berkeley Extension’s 2004 “Travel With Scholars” campaign, in the mixed-media campaign category. The campaign was developed by Lynne Kaufman, Megan Smith, Peggy Williams, Allison Seidel, and Eileen Ecklund.

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