UC Berkeley News


News briefs

15 April 2004

UCPD police-review board holds public hearing April 19
The Berkeley Campus Police Review Board will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 19, in the Goldman School of Public Policy, Room 150, 1893 LeRoy St. at Hearst Ave. The board will report on its ongoing monitoring of the UC Police Department’s civilian-complaint process and related police issues. Copies of its draft annual report will be available five days prior to the meeting, at bas.berkeley.edu/Resources/PoliceReview.htm, as well as at the hearing. Members of the public and organizations will have an opportunity to present their views on any aspect of the board’s work. For information, contact Lillian Brock at 643-0680 or llbrock@uclink4.berkeley.edu.

Fulbright applications sought
The U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program, the Fulbright Scholar Program, sends American scholars and professionals each year to more than 140 countries, where they lecture or conduct research in many academic and professional fields. Traditional Fulbright awards are for two months to an academic year or longer. A new short-term opportunity, the Fulbright Senior Specialists Program, offers two- to six-week grants in a variety of disciplines.

Applications are currently being sought for a variety of Fulbright programs. For information, including application requirements and deadlines throughout the year, visit the Graduate Fellowships Office, 318 Sproul, or see the website of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, http://www.cies.org.

Join fight against cancer at this week’s Cal Relay for Life
Members of the campus community are invited to participate in the Second Annual Cal Relay for Life, an event honoring those who have been touched by cancer. Teams can sign up to raise funds. Cancer survivors and patients will walk the first lap around the track — which opens at 5 p.m., Friday, April 15 in Edwards Stadium. Later, a candlelight luminaria ceremony will honor those lost to the disease. The event resumes Saturday at noon.

The Cal Relay for Life is sponsored by the ASUC and the American Medical Student Association. To register a team, e-mail relayteams@lists.berkeley.edu; to join the opening ceremony and survivor’s lap, e-mail survivors@lists.berkeley.edu. For information, e-mail calrelay4life@yahoo.com.

Change your UC beneficiaries online
UC employees are now able to access and manage retirement, savings, and insurance-plan beneficiaries easily using a new online feature. To use the new process, select “Your Benefits Online” on the right side of the “At Your Service” home page, atyourservice.ucop.edu. After logging on, look for the link “View Your Beneficiaries” under “Quick Links,” “Your Money,” and “Your Health & Welfare.” For those without Internet access, a new paper form is available from department benefits counselors and the campus benefits office, 642-7053.

Economist Janet Yellen named to head Fed’s San Francisco office
Berkeley faculty member Janet Yellen has been appointed president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

The Berkeley professor of business and economics has been on the Berkeley faculty since 1980. She took a leave from 1994 to 1997 to serve on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, commonly known as “the Fed,” and chaired President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1997 to 1999.

The bank’s outgoing president and CEO, Robert Parr, called Yellen an “outstanding economist” who made very significant contributions to the nation’s monetary policy process during her tenure as a governor of the board. In that role, said FRB chair Alan Greenspan, Yellen offered “consistently incisive analysis, impressive skill, and unwavering integrity.”

The Fed, as the nation’s central bank, implements monetary policy to manage the flow of money and credit in the economy; its San Francisco branch is the head office for nine western states, making it the largest district in the nationwide system. Yellen assumes her new position on June 14.

Chemist named UCSD chancellor
A nationally known chemist and current chancellor of North Carolina State University, Marye Anne Fox, has been named chancellor of UC San Diego. She has led the North Carolina campus since 1998, and before that was vice president for research at the University of Texas at Austin. Fox is the first woman appointed permanent chancellor of the San Diego campus. She replaces Robert Dynes, who became UC president last fall.

Bay Festival happens Saturday at Berkeley Marina
This Saturday, April 17, from noon to 5 p.m., the City of Berkeley hosts its annual Berkeley Bay Festival at the city marina, located at the foot of University Ave. Like Cal Day, happening at the same time a few miles up the street, the event features a wide variety of attractions — in this case music, sailing and tours on the water, and nature and environmental activities for kids and adults. The event is free, as is valet parking. For information, see www.cityofberkeley.info/marina/bayfest.htm or call 644-8623.

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