UC Berkeley News



27 October 2004

Michael Marletta

The Rochester Section of the American Chemical Society has announced the selection of Michael Marletta, Aldo DeBenedictis Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, as the 2004 recipient of the Harrison Howe Award.

The award, consisting of a plaque and an honorarium, is granted to an individual for outstanding contributions to research in chemistry, “defined in its broadest sense.” It was established in 1946 to honor of one of the founders of the Rochester Section of the society, Harrison E. Howe. Many recipients have been recognized in the early stages of their careers, and about 40 percent of the awardees have gone on to win the Nobel Prize.

Marletta, who is also a professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology at UCSF and a faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, will be honored at an awards ceremony, and lecture next Feb. 24 at the University of Rochester.

Herbert Thier

Herbert Thier, academic administrator emeritus, has received a Fulbright Senior Specialists grant in education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in its Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

The Fulbright Senior Specialists Program offers two- to six-week grants to leading U.S. academics and professionals to support curricular and faculty development and institutional planning at academic institutions in 140 countries around the world. The program was created to complement and provide a different research-abroad option to the traditional Fulbright Scholar Program, which offers grants from two months to one academic year.

Eileen Gambrill

Eileen Gambrill, Hutto Patterson Professor of Social Work, has been selected to receive a Herbert S. Raskin Child Welfare Article Award from the Center for Child Welfare Policy of the North American Resource Center for Child Welfare. The award recognizes two recent articles: “A Client-Focused Definition of Social Work Practice” appeared in the May 2003 issue of Research on Social Work Practice, while “Evidence-Based Practice: Sea Change or the Emperor’s New Clothes?” appeared in the Winter 2003 issue of the Journal of Social Work Education. She will receive the Pro Humanitate Award and share a $1,000 cash prize with two other recipients.

The center selects book and article awards annually to honor U.S. and Canadian authors whose work exemplifies “the intellectual integrity and moral courage required to transcend political and social barriers to champion best practice in the field of child welfare.”

The center presented the honors on Oct. 14 at the Children’s Research Center’s Structured Decision Making Conference, held aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, Calif.

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