News Briefs
26 January 2005
Budget and Finance vice-chancellor searches on hold temporarily
Since last August the campus has been engaged in a search for the newly defined position of vice chancellor for finance and administration, to be followed by a search for the redefined position of vice chancellor for budget and resource planning. However, in assessing campus operations during his first months in office, Chancellor Birgeneau felt that the campus would best be served by revisiting the division of responsibilities between its vice chancellors. “I am certain that the result will be strong leadership for these critical campus support areas,” Birgeneau said in a memo to campus administrators. Consequently, the two searches are on hold pending further definition of the positions, expected to be completed in early February.
Faculty retirement-incentive program continues
The Berkeley Retirement Incentive Program (BRIP II) is continuing for faculty retiring during the 2004-05 academic year. Under changes instituted since last year, there is now an alternative incentive to the $15,000 research-support fund. Deans and chairs may negotiate a teaching recall package for up to three years for faculty over the age of 60; the central campus will provide 50 percent of the funding for a recall package, subject to certain constraints. For details, see
Matching funds available for workstation ergonomic upgrades
Campus departments are eligible to receive up to $500 per employee for ergonomics modifications to on-site computer workstations under the Computer Ergonomic Matching-Funds Pilot Program. The program offers campus units a cost-effective way to prevent and/or minimize the effects of computer-related repetitive motion injuries, which are the single-most-common work-related injury on campus. It started in October with $100,000 and will be in effect until funds are depleted; there is still more than $69,000 available for distribution.
To qualify for matching funds, a workstation evaluation by a trained workstation evaluator is required, and the employee must complete a free training on effective use of workstation furniture (see for online enrollment in the Health*Matters class). Departments may then purchase recommended workstation furniture and accessories from a pre-approved product list. The matching-funds program does not apply to computer-workstation furniture for new construction, renovation, or relocation projects.
For detailed information on the program, including application forms, see
Applications due March 1 for I-House financial assistance
Financial assistance for room and board at International House is currently available for international students, U.S. citizens, and permanent residents. The funding covers the 2005-06 academic year and fall semester 2005. Those eligible are graduate or upper-division students (juniors and seniors) with demonstrated financial need who will have already completed one academic year at Berkeley.
Applications are available in the foyer of I-House’s Human Resources and Residence office, and online at The application deadline is March 1.
Nominations due March 14 for L&S faculty mentoring and advising awards
Members of the campus community are invited to nominate faculty for the 2004-05 College of Letters and Science awards for distinguished research mentoring and distinguished faculty advising of undergraduates. These awards for exceptional service will go to one faculty adviser and five research mentors chosen from the L&S divisions: Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Undergraduate Division. Each winner will receive $2,000 and be honored in an L&S ceremony next fall.
Nominations must have the endorsement of the department chair and be received by March 14; detailed guidelines and nomination procedures were sent to department chairs in early January. To download a copy of these materials, go to For additional information, contact Alicia Hayes at or 643-6929.
UC Regents vote to bid in competition to manage Lawrence Berkeley Lab
The UC Board of Regents voted Jan. 20 to pursue continued management and operations of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) by submitting a competitive proposal to the federal Department of Energy (DOE).
“The Regents fully expect that a strong, winning bid will be submitted to the Department of Energy, building upon UC’s 60-year history of managing this scientific jewel,” said Gerald Parsky, chair of the Board of Regents.
Under the university’s LBNL proposal, UC would be the prime contractor and laboratory staff would remain as UC employees covered by UC’s pension and benefits program. The proposal will be submitted by DOE’s Feb. 9 deadline.
Information on the competition process for LBNL management may be found online at